Wednesday, July 26, 2006

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Article taken from this page . Not bad!


(physical education new materials)

García Rubiales, Victoria E. and Arias Carrasco, Mauro E. E.
Physics Teachers IES "Santiago Apostol"


current society, framed in the " leisure civilization "is becoming aware and stance toward traditional and conventional ways of understanding the practice of physical activity. Society demands the education system and the teachers a certain quality, variety in teaching us to reflect, inviting us to integrate new content and materials, discarding others obsolete, that is, it comes to proposing new alternatives to physical education. In recent years, the physical education area has been inundated by a series of contents that have been incorporated into the specific and traditional curriculum of the subject. This has been feasible, because the contents have had a very open, flexible, highly adaptable to new ideas for teachers. Joined

new content Physical Education, appear in many sporting goods market: rubber bands, Step (step of polyethylene), body bar (a metal bar covered with rubber), the Fit-ball (giant balls), parachutes, body bags ... mainly focused in the use of the gym, but very usable in physical education classes, this is the case of giant balls. Due to the novel and unusual use of these materials in schools, publications relating to the subject is fairly low. Ideally, based on practical experiences of teachers in physical activity outside suited to build the conceptual framework for the implementation of these contents at different levels of education.


Since the early sixties, when substituted in the construction of the rubber balls on vinyl, they began to use large balls in the recovery and rehabilitation of patients replacing the beach balls. The physiotherapist Mary Quinton in 1963 began to integrate the giant balloons in their treatment in patients with cerebral palsy children so that they can develop their reflexes and ability to maintain balance. Susan Klein-Vogelbach, Switzerland School of Physiotherapy, was the first to use the giant balloons adults with orthopedic developing specific treatment techniques and presented in World Congress 1970 in Amsterdam physiotherapy exercise their method with giant balls. Professor Maria Kucera Vogelbach comprehensive technique to publish his book 270 giant ball exercises in 1974 and translated into English in 1993. In

EEEU, giant balloons began denominating "Swiss-Ball", as several physiotherapists were used in the Swiss clinics, but quickly made by two instructors Joan Mohr and Pam Mullens disciples of Mary Quinton, who used in the pediatric and neurological systems. From the 80's the scope was extended from spinal stabilization method of the German Roswitha Brunkow the program with giant balls postpartum Elizabeth Noble, the most sophisticated of Dr. Ninoska Gómez to refine consciousness Somatic the first sports-related program prepared by Paul Callaway, for the Professional Golf Association, combining giant balls and rubber tubes.
In 1991, there was the great expansion of the giant balloons in all areas of physical activity as a versatile and fun:

In education, the Sit'n GYM, a media giant ball way of legs that allow it to sit on the ball actively with proper posture.

In sports, with the appearance in the market for giant ball called the FIT-BALL and funded by their creator (Mr. Cosani), develops a training program on the principles of physical therapy designed for graduates in Physical Education: FIT -BALL TRAINING. Was taken as a fundamental core fitness classes and integrated training in various sports, particularly in the slip, where balance is critical component as skaters, gymnasts, and basketball, baseball, golf, football ... For an hour or more the balls are carried out different exercises to train different qualities and physical fitness: strength, overall endurance, flexibility (stretching, stretching, joint movement), balance, coordination and overall dynamic relax-massage (sensory-perceptual).
In the alternative sports, adventure, freestyle or Slip, where the balance is vital for the development of activity and physical integrity of the practitioner.


In our department, the use of giant balls (90cm.-120 cm.) Began in 1992, targeting recreational and leisure; it was not until 1997, when after a fit-ball during training held in Madrid, we decided to try 55 cm balls. to 65cm. in our classes corporal expression, and sporadically in Physical Education. Once published the curriculum for Extremadura courses in high school, we set out to achieve the goals with new content and one of these innovations was to introduce the giant balls in the form of athletic training, FIT-BALL TRAINING, for courses of 1 High School, within the content block fitness and health, in order to get our students to discover, experience new ways to develop your basic physical condition, taking as the basis and motivating activities that fit into the curriculum of E. Physics, to diversify and enrich these activities with new supplementary material, promoting physical work other than traditional methods, and renewing those who still have a good educational value, are by their monotony does not capture the motivation of our teenagers.

Here is an example of how we work with giant balls in our Institute, in the form of sheet, aimed at students of 1 high school, included within the development content of the basic physical qualities "and made by our students in the first quarter of course.

Brozas, MP: Camacho, L and others (2002). Auxiliary resources in training Artistic Gymnastics: giant balls. Performance Sports. Com, n º 1.

Dalter: Fit-Ball Training. Madrid 1996.

Reebok Gym Ball Training Instructions & Exercise chart.

Presents Fit-Ball training, Gymnic line the way to move. Italy 1996.

Kim Forteza. Fitball. The ball to improve your body. Sport Life Magazine No 47.

Glez Diaz, I. "The giant balloons in Primary Education." UEX postgraduate course. 1999