Sunday, January 21, 2007

Casehard Default Combination Lock

From Venezuela ...

About 5 or 6 of every 100 red blood sugar to enter your hemoglobin
Julio Acosta UrbanejaJackeline Rubin Panvini

Dulce repentance

Gone parties and many them is the repentance of itself over these dates. The most worried are those with metabolic problems or chronic diseases. Such is the case of diabetics, large group in any society on earth.

Regular aerobic exercise is essential in controlling blood sugar in them.

In the diabetic patient's mind the word "control" is directly related to their welfare. However, the result of a single test at a given time, such as fasting blood glucose, does not tell us much about the diabetic metabolic reality in recent times. This is the case of a patient who does not care and commits excesses, as in December, but still have reserves that allow you to fast for 12 hours and "passed" the test, normal glucose registering that morning. We

circulating between 70 and 110 mg / dl glucose (normal glucose). In these circumstances, about 5 or 6 of every 100 red blood cells (erythrocytes) incorporate the sugar to their hemoglobin (Hb) and this binding is irreversible, only cease with the death of these red cells, a half-life of 120 days. To this we called glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and its normal value is between 5 and 6%, as noted.

As red blood cells live for 3 to 4 months, and will not release the sugar and glucose linked, in calculating HbA1c know how was the amount of sugar in the blood during the last 3 months, not only during the last 12 hours.

thus be possible to know, of course, the reality of being diabetic. Title pending

remain active sports for children and adolescents and promote positive values. Therefore should be considered all the factors that influence school performance before removing the youth of the sport because "it takes time to study them" or "causes of low grades."

Parents and families influence the motivation of the athlete, but both lack as excessive intervention may also be harmful. In child and youth sport, the parents make too much pressure on the performance of their children, taking them into early retirement insurance.

How many of us have known a friend who left the sport for not endure abuse from their parents when the results of the competition were not expected? How many of these results were technically successful and their parents lack the critics?

To support and encourage their children must accompany their practices regularly, have good communication with their coaches, without interfering or press your decisions and to respect the tastes of young people who wish to activities and encourage them to have fun.

We must be aware that in many cases abandoning the sport for the young family attitudes comes as pressure to succeed when they should be proud of their performance, to make their lives more than a medal .

Monday, January 8, 2007

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Sunday, January 7, 2007

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3 New articles have been posted on the official website of feda ( NEW



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