Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raven Riley Fotoğrafları

What is a blog .. text taken from wikipedia

A blog, or English is also a blog is a regularly updated website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recent appearing first, where the author always retains the freedom to stop creating relevant published. The term blog comes from the words web and log ('log' in English = daily). The term blog, referring to the old logbooks of ships, is used when the author writes about his own life like a diary, but published online on the internet.

I invite you to see how to create a blog: XXXXXXXXXX

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Long Can Potato Soup Sit Out

What Has In Common With The Wall Street Journal Google Adwords?

[Date: October 16, 2007 - 10:48 AM]
For those who do not have a subscription recent electronic version of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) or does not advertise in North America, know that the Journal includes listings for new subscribers using Google AdWords.

However, this is not the focus of this article.

Let's talk about the sales letter mailed to the WSJ and sold millions of subscriptions. They sent annually about 30 million copies of this letter.

The two-page letter begins well:

"Dear reader,

On a beautiful late spring afternoon 25 years ago, two young men were trained in the same school.
were two very similar people.

Both had been better students than the average students, both had a great personality and - as is usually the newly formed youth - both were filled with ambitious dreams for the future.

Recently, these men returned to their school, for its twenty-fifth session of training ... "

continued course after telling one of them was supersuccessful because I had read all those years, day by day the WSJ.

This letter sold millions of subscriptions for 28 years, unchanged. Was. No changes in the text for 28 years! And not because they have been tempted.
Top editors had tried to write something better, since the letter was first written.

No one had been successful until recently.

One editor called Mal Decker wrote a new letter to the original beat (the Conroy's two-page letter) and, in a second test, the response increased in Twenty-four percent!

This is important because now the WSJ gets 24% more sales hundredth sen spend more.

The lesson is clear, here. In advertising, propaganda, the text -
choice of words - is critical.

But ... that has to do all that with Google AdWords? For

lot. Lot.

AdWords works much like direct mail. If you beat your current notice (ie: if you write a better notice), in the same way that Mal Decker won the original letter of WJS, something amazing happens: actually pay less for your Adwords clicks and get more visitors! See

now an example from the Brazilian Campaign ads with Google AdWords: -----------------------------

Chopeira. Só uma brand.
COLDMIX. O Model: Chopp King
Já! 12 xs / juros na / Chopeira

Results: 8 Clicks - CTR 0.08%

Chopeira?. Só uma brand.
COLDMIX. O Model: Chopp King
Já! 12 xs / juros na / Chopeira

Results: 27 Clicks - CTR 2.00% -------------------

----------------- Note: the difference is just a "?" and 25% higher CTR. (Clicks)

You know, what that means in its budget
campaign with Google AdWords!

# # # Author: Jorge Aldrovandi