Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Does Tap Nose Twice Mean

Pilates is good for hypertension?

As we discussed yesterday, the exercise to hypertension is a somewhat delicate issue, although very positive if done with proper prescription. Force movements in certain positions and, above all, isometric contractions can trigger blood pressure to levels downright risky.

What is an isometric contraction? To understand, is when you do not move force (or shortening or muscle lengthening). For example, if you push a wall without moving, you are making an effort and you do not get a lot and move the wall ... it makes a static contraction. This is just a contraction isometric.

Pilates and calisthenics formerly, is based on many of these contractions in equilibrium to activate the deep muscles (trasverso abdominal, pelvic floor, etc..) As a stabilizer in balance movements. What happens when a hypertensive patient with these exercises?

I refer to a study published in Buenos Aires for Easter, Andres, Donato, Martin, Borrego, Carlos; Gabay, Jose; Berrocal, Daniel J. Gelpi, Ricardo; Grinfeld, Liliana regarding the "Assessment of diastolic function during and post-isometric exercise in patients with hypertension" so titled.

is known Patients with ventricular hypertrophy due to hypertension diastolic alterations, particularly during exercise. However, it is controversial whether this dysfunction after stress is normalized.

The objective was to assess diastolic function during and after completion of exercise in patients with hypertension. Controls were studied 6 patients (group 1, G1) and 7 patients with hypertension (Group 2, G2).

Patients underwent a cardiac catheterization and performed isometric exercise during the study, until the heart rate increased to 43 with a margin of 7% (p <0.05),>

We measured left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and calculated the maximum rate of pressure rise (+ dP / dtmax), the decay time constant of ventricular pressure tau, the time it takes the pressure drop up to 50% of its value at the time of -dP/dtmáx (t1 / 2 ms).

The LVSP increased during exercise from 140 to 195 or so more or least 14 mm Hg (p <0.05)>

The tau and t1 / 2 were increased in G2 during exercise , from a value of 23 plus or minus 2 and 15 more msec or less to 35 with a margin of 7 to 23 about 4 msec, respectively. After exercise, both variables remained elevated compared to baseline, reaching 41 plus or minus 6 msec (p <0.05)>

isometric exercise decreases relaxation rate and increases LVEDP in patients with hypertension and hypertrophy left ventricle. After exercise relaxation remained impaired, though the rest of hemodynamic parameters returned to baseline, suggesting the presence of myocardial stunning (AU) Now we will see in the following table according to age and sex which can be understood as hypertension and how we will consider scales of risk.

16 to 18 years: 145 and 140 respectively in boys and girls and 90 as maximum and minimum.

19 to 24 years: 150 and 140 respectively in boys and girls as a top 95 and 90 as minimum.

25 to 29 years: 150 and 140 respectively in boys and girls as the highest and 96 and 92 as minimum.

30 to 39 years: 160 and 150 respectively in boys and girls as a top 100 and 98 as minimum.

40 to 49 years: 170 and 165 respectively in boys and girls and 104 as maximum and minimum.

50 in Forward: From 180 in both cases as 110 as maximum and minimum.

Therefore: At such high levels of blood pressure can lead to strokes, thrombosis or myocardial infarction, a practice becoming really dangerous, so we strongly recommend that you take regularly the voltage if you think you can get into this group and fitness exercises, weight lifting and pilates.
More Evaluation of diastolic function during and post-isometric exercise in patients with hypertension