Saturday, March 28, 2009

Age Of Empires 2 Multiplayer Cd Rom


How would you treat VD. In their last client?
guy handing out the newspaper The City Sun all week to 100 addresses, before school. I was happy, earning money, he would buy a bike. But one day was found at dawn in front of his house, not the daily pile of newspapers that arrived at the waist, but only one newspaper with a note by the Head of Distribution saying the route had been assigned to another dealer for complaints received from customers. But he left only a customer who had not complained. Could you buy the bike? What would the other distributors? What had made to a customer? Desperate, he took his old bike and went to deliver the only newspaper to only cliente.Como was very early, and had high humidity, came in and put the paper in a plastic bag so it does not get wet, and put it in his backpack. Distribution of plastic bags handed only when it rained a lot. When he arrived at the house of the subscriber, instead of throwing the paper into the garden, as ever, left at the door of the house. There was light in the house, and waited to see who collected would open the newspaper. Two minutes left and a man dressed for work, and the boy saw her smile, because they had to go out in the cold morning and see how the newspaper was nodding to the plastic. The boy felt better. He seemed pleased that a client quejarse.El guy not call for thought: why it seemed so happy? Had not more newspapers? If there was another morning. Does the price seem right? The price was the same as the other newspaper. Do you like the articles from that newspaper? Could be. No, thought the boy, has to be something that I do. Decided to find out what it was, wanted to talk at night with the family. Thinking, he realized that he had worked well, had the deal in record time, threw the newspapers near the door, but nobody seemed to appreciate it. He realized that he had only thought of how to sell and distribute newspapers, but never why customers buy their periĆ³dicos.Fue at 7 pm at the house, the owner opened it, surprised, asked if he had forgotten to pay the newspaper, the boy said no, he wanted to see husband. When he arrived, he asked why I was happy with the service and he said: "I like to receive early and read it before going to work, I leave it in the door and lying on the grass." He also said he would read the newspaper from 6.30 to 7.00, and he went in to work at 8. The boy asked to speak with his wife to ask the same thing. He said he liked to receive it so early in coupons coming in the paper and cut his mother who lives with ellos.Satisfecho to know what pleased their customers, thought it was good to know what they thought the old ones. One said he had been thinking about hiring for your hardware, it seemed like to work and tended to collect on time and to pay him more than he earned with the cast to do a job review articles, prepare invoices ... and revise their work to avoid mistakes. But the boy thought that this work "back office" would not allow contact with customers. In addition, on the road, no one supervising. Trabajo.Pero rejected one day he fell asleep. A storm during the night had cut the electricity, and the house alarm had not worked. When he went to get this paper had already gone to work on marriage. He went to school, and when I told him that his mother had called her only client. I called to ask what had happened, and the boy said he was asleep. The customer thanked him for his direct response and did not use excuses. The boy thought he had taken responsibility and had not blamed nadie.Quiso do more for his client. This served a ...