Friday, June 12, 2009

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Jim Collins wrote in 1994, Jerry Porras' Built to Last, Successful Habits of Visionary Companies "(Built to Last: Successful Habits visionary companies. ") Five million books in print. We made a summary then (95.L.03 reference.) companies were cited as American Express, Ford, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard and Walt Disney, who have prospered over multiple life cycles of products and multiple managers
Just published recently by consultants McKinsey, Richard Foster and Sarah Kaplan's book "Creative Destruction" with the subtitle: "Why companies are built to last under the requirements of the market and how to transform them." Quote Kodak, DuPont, General Electric, and Ford, featured on the Forbes list since 1917, but only two (GE and Kodak) exceed the financial means of the sector.
Should we summarize this book antithetical? Not so much, in the opinion of Lori Mirazita ("Harvard Management Update", March 2002). But seeing the second book of Collins (which is written only once), we chose the latter. It presents a synthesis of both positions, which requires a concept of "hedgehog", an approach "hedgehog" which is the result of answering these three questions in a profound way: Why
passion your business? (Ie, what their values \u200b\u200bare "nuclear")
How can you best in the world, manufactured or supplied?
What drives your "economic engine"?
As Mirazita says, "strong leadership always makes a difference, but also get a strategy that blends the principles of" creative destruction "(changing products, processes, business models) when economic conditions require, with prospects to "build to last" (do not change the basic ideology or nuclear).
The book describes in detail the behavior of the 11 selected companies, and its counterparts (the companies 'comparison', we call them) and the 6 companies that started the process to the "greatness", but then stopped. The study is conducted with much rigor. The appendices (occupying 86 pages) describe the methodology of the project, and provide many quantitative and qualitative data.
We have hit upon the selection of book that, in the end, compares the results of the two (BTL, Built to last, and bag of good to great)
Andrés Fernández Romero

The book attempts to answer the question: How can good companies, mediocre or bad achieve lasting greatness? Are the companies that defy the laws of gravity and turn a mediocre long-term superiority? And, if so, what are the universal distinguishing characteristics that make a company from good to great?
Using benchmarking, Collins and a research team identified a set of companies that made the leap to great results and kept at least 15 years. In recent years, achieved a return of actions 7 times the average of the stock market, and more than twice the results a composite index for the world's largest companies, including companies such as Coca-Cola, Intel, General Electric, and Merck.
The team contrasted these results with a selection of companies that were not successful taking the leap. For 5 years, lots of data were analyzed and thoroughly studied the 28 companies included in the study. The results of these studies will surprise many. They are: