Monday, May 10, 2010

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Video "Golden Pass"

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Video "Golden Pass", Francisco YaƱez

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Video "the will is not enough, Helios Herrera

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Video" Say no to negativity "Rafafa

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Video" Parable of the winner, "Camilo Cruz

have to see it, surely you liked ..

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Swollen Upper Front Leg Of A Dog

Business more projection into the future

"From 90, we have been gradually dropping out of the store, the store comes to us."

Marketing person to person, network marketing or MLM is a form of "direct sale": the creation of a network through which sell products or services. The process of people speaking to others of a product or served, and take these products or served directly to consumers.

The "distribution channel" for direct sales, marketing person to person, network marketing or MLM, is developed through people inviting others to participate in the business. Therefore, distributors receive a percentage of sales (commissions or royalties) from others in a direct and effective.

Direct Selling carries the potential of significant financial rewards for those individuals who learn to create this kind of distribution system. A dealer starts to become a "tent", and has the potential to build many "shops" as a franchise without limits.

Why major corporations such as MCI, U.S. Sprint, Coca Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Gillette, Avon and Fuller Brush, among many others, take part in marketing by networks?

According to an article in Success magazine March 1992, written by Valerie Free, entitled "Magic Marketing" (Marketing Magic), many major corporations are finding that person to person marketing is a powerful and affordable approach to build market share. Network Marketing

refers to direct sales through a network. The network marketing is a sales compensation plan at various levels. Sometimes the terms are used interchangeably.

Today there are millions of people involved in direct selling, which, according to the Association Direct sales (DSA for short in English) set in motion some 12 billion dollars annually on products in the U.S. alone. Within its membership, the DSA has 150 firms and recognizes some 5.1 million sellers. Total sales for 1993 in the United States via this method came to 8.8% and the number of people engaged in direct sales "went from 3.6 million in 1987 to more than 5 million in 1992, and in other countries has been very successful. According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Association, in 1992 sold approximately 62.5 billion dollars worth of products worldwide through methods direct sales. It is certain that by 2006 these figures have already doubled.

The network marketing industry is growing at a rate of between 20 and 30 percent worldwide. Increasingly services are being sold through distribution networks.

The trend is clear, the most famous economist of the past few years, Paul Zane Pilzer, predicts that the next trillion dollar industry is the health and welfare and its distribution through network marketing or direct sales.

"The technology becomes increasingly efficient companies with fewer people," says economist Paul Zane Pilzer, author of Unlimited Wealth, Other People's Money, and God wants you to be Rico. "The most profitable companies are those that are declining more. This process will continue to accelerate."

Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor, estimates that 20 percent of the workforce in the United States is already working on their own. If forecasters are right, that number can approach 100 percent in the coming years.

long ago, experts have predicted that the twenty-first century is an era of luxury, Internet, health and welfare, a world of abundance designed specifically to satisfy consumer expectations. And it will. But this opportunity will only be available for those who make smart decisions.

In the coming years, our survival is primarily determined by the decisions we make today, by the strategies we choose to build our business in the Information Age, health and welfare.

Those who choose to work in network marketing today are taking a giant step in the right direction.

Red Lump On The Bumhole

What does the time.? Self Esteem Test

most valuable resource we have to invest in our business is the time, so today we will talk about the importance of investing our time efficiently. We

As an example ... What is the business of the Saints? ... Miracles ... And what is their compensation? ... is spiritual gratification ... say the gratification they get the holy spirit is so great that ... Up for lost time ... the saints cry.

Let us now transpose our business ... David Schuartz quoting ...

"Success means many wonderful and positive things, success means freedom, freedom from worries, fears, frustration and failure, success means self-respect, find satisfaction and happiness in life, the ability to do more for those who depend on you, the success is the goal of life. " - David J.
Imagine for a moment the success that the leaders of network marketing ... we can describe as David J. descreibe Schwartz, is more than the simple fact of having money, is more than having the house or the car of your dreams is to have the respect and admiration of your family and friends.

"Happiness is not bought with money.
With money you can buy a bed ... you can not buy more sleep.
With money you can buy medicine ... but you can not buy health.
With money you can buy a house ... but you can not comra a Home.
comra with money can a car ... but you can not buy the passion of driving.
In short, the money gives you peace of mind, stable and secure ... happiness depends on you "

If you know the lifestyle of a leading network marketing ... you cry for lost time.

Then, learn the techniques that your leaders teach you, using your tools, and used to support your line of sponsorship for the maximum you maximize your timepo.

End of the global economic recession?

that Amedia is expected this year will see a strong recovery, we discuss this because one of the factors that influence if a business is flat or line of Momentum is the globalized economic environment ... when economic recession is very, very difficult for a company entering momentum ... and maybe just maybe you've been working hard these past two years and have not achieved the results expected qe, have lost the belief in the industry, or your company or yourself ... They believe they have been your fault, has been the global exonomico context. It's time you start to prepare your team of distributors to apriveches cyclical time, which will in a few months and get ready mentally for it.

was sleeping ... is time to wake
was time to be silent ... is talking Timpo
was time to wait ...
act is timepo
The time is now ... then it will be late