Saturday, June 24, 2006

Thrush And Gallbladder

Article to come over the weekend, rogues

What is your vision of your work in the gym?

From the book "The other intelligence" Adele B. Lynn (Editorial Empresa Activa), we will explore, through a few simple questions, the real situation, both in person, on any partner, our professional position with respect to our peers.

To do so, answered truthfully, 6 little questions:

1 - Do I really competent at my job?
a) Yes, too well prepared.
b) I must improve although I have an acceptable basis.
c) I have a qualitative level enough to work.

2 - Do I have easy to follow guidelines set by management?
a) at all, I understand nothing
b) Sometimes
c) Understanding your position and responsibility, I try to listen.

3 - Can I have easy to maintain my career development?
a) Not much or little, as all
b) Of course, I know my future and I apply myself.
c) Not at all, do not know where to evolve, I feel stuck.

4 - Do you feel supported by your colleagues?
a) Clearly, we are a team with a joint objective.
b) Never, just want to sink.
c) It is an idyllic setting, but not harm us.

5 - Do you help others?
a) No, nor the need.
b) Sometimes, not all I wanted, but sometimes.
c) definitely yes, both of them to me as I them

. 6 - Do you think anyone wants to see you fail?
a) Yes, we are surrounded by envy.
b)? All around me like my success.
c) Some will, but it does not matter.

How to use the test? Divide the questions from 1 to 3 on the X axis and 4 to 6 on the Y axis, each answer is marked with a "+" will move your position to right on X and Y up, every answer has a "-" go left or down and branded with "0", obviously, we do not move ...

ANSWERS Question 1 + 0 -
Question 2 - 0 + 0 +
Question 3 - Question
4 + - 0
Question 5 - 0 +
Question 6 - + 0

Now you present figure, about which you will place yourself under the axles.

Have you found your "personality" professional? Let's review them one by one the 4 types located in the same:

the complacent: Value the work and fellowship of others, trying to be good companion but either do not have any knowledge of your work, or you strengthen your self-esteem because you think you are not valuable enough. You tend to delegate your tasks to other, so each time you will have less power. You must avoid certain fears.

The Hidden: The most negative value of the four, you do not believe able to work and you will always be your teammates to try rematarte, life is really tough for you, you feel completely in the role of victim. That ... Or your gym needs a change of staff urgently!

THE ARROGANT: The results will just be placed in the position of "smartass." Feeling superior to your colleagues, with good working basis, but surrounded by envy, so you tend to defensive attitudes to people in your gym ... maybe you should change your colleagues ... or really think about what you're doing.

COLLABORATOR: You run your best, you and your colleagues also have some facility to collaborate with others in the center. Offer ideas and face the work in a way that you implying your willingness to work and collaboration.

If your results really have not yielded the most desirable (positive X and Y axes) just remember that we live in an area of \u200b\u200bconstant evolution and that, even knowing many other factors, the most important is our work and sacrifice and, above all, that the basis of the work environment is based on a good relationship with your peers, and if you do, subordinates who are really the foundation of the company. Surround yourself with good friends who are sincere and values \u200b\u200btheir opinion: According to Jorge Bucay, an idiot is a person who always needs the approval of others for their work ... our industry is inevitably a world of fools??


"The other intelligence. Adele Lynn (Editorial Company Activa).
"Let me tell you. Jorge Bucay (RBA Publishing).
"The sense of fluency. Juan Carlos Cubero (published by Prentice Hall)


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