Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why Does Cinnion Cause Heartburn

of Unreason:

· "If the change has to occur, it is gradual, continuous": this is the pretext of the traditionalists of all the times (and no one changes a lot, think the skeptic). Continuous change is a comfortable change.
· The circumstances do little comfortable maintaining the status quo:
wars -
technology -
demographics - the change in values \u200b\u200b
- the economy
· Those who know why the changes occur, spend less time protecting themselves themselves and fight the inevitable
· Those who realize where they are heading changes, can be used more of them
· Those who accept the changes and use them, do not face them
· We are entering the " age of unreason "in which
- the future will be made by and for us
- the only safe prediction is that there will be no safe predictions
- you think of the probable and make the unreasonable
- demographics
The three scenarios of the book:
1. The changes in our time are discontinuous
2. They are small changes in the way of working that will affect our lives more
3. The discontinuous change requires discontinuous, revolutionary thinking.
• The change is no longer what it was. Examples of the word "change":
- The change is part of life.
universal name - has been a change in the arrangements. Name
particular - has to change.
metaphysical name - Change this wheel. Transitive verb
- Where change rail links?.
metaphysical verb - is a sharp change agent. Adjective
- Change the same means "progress" that "inconsistency"
• The incremental change has become discontinuous change, which in mathematics is called "catastrophe theory" (curves that evolve in unexpected ways.) But the discontinuity is not a catastrophe, is the only way to find unexpected ways of seeing things differently.
· The Peruvian Indians, seeing the sails of the English ships, something completely unknown, thought it was a weather phenomenon and continued with their tasks. History
who likes to author:
• The frog in cold water is gradually heated, does not jump, to be boiled alive. It is so comfortable with the continuity, not realize it would require a change in behavior. History
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