Friday, February 20, 2009

What's The Biggest Shoe Size Ever


all know a very intelligent and prepared management that failed to be promoted to a leadership position, and one with solid but not extraordinary intellectual abilities and technical skills who was appointed to a similar position and was successful. It is therefore thought to be leader is more an art than a science, and that different situations require different types of leaders .

For the author, the most effective leaders have a common feature all have a high emotional intelligence . It is important than IQ or technical skills, are the threshold, the entry requirement for the positions. But emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership.

Last year, Goleman and his colleagues have studied how emotional intelligence operates at work, and their relationship results, especially in leaders. The article tries to explain how to tell when someone is emotional intelligence.

The assessment of emotional intelligence

Most large companies have hired psychologists trained to develop "competency models" for identifying, training and promoting likely stars in the firmament of leadership. Goleman discussed these models in 188 companies (including Lucent Technologies, British Airways, and Credit Suisse). Goleman

capabilities grouped into three categories: purely technical skills (accounting, planning) cognitive abilities (analytical reasoning) and demonstrating competencies of emotional intelligence (the ability to work with others and effectiveness in managing change.)

To create some models of competence, some psychologists interviewed senior managers to see what capabilities characterized the most prominent leaders.

Others used objective criteria such as profitability of a division, to differentiate the executive "star" of those in the media. These executives are interviewed in depth. The result is a list of ingredients to be a highly effective leader. The lists range between 7 and 15 elements, and include any such initiative or strategic vision.

Goleman When analyzed this data, found that cognitive skills, such as a comprehensive thought, or a long-term vision, are particularly important. But when calculating the ratio of technical skills, IQ and emotional intelligence, this turned out to be two times higher than the other elements to work at all levels . And playing an increasing role in the ...



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