Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Throat Pain During Evening Time

Pelvic floor. Kegel exercises to improve the health of it.


Kegel exercises for pelvic floor recovery

What are Kegel exercises?
exercises Kegel was conceived by Dr. Arnold Kegel to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Until then, women, or could bear as urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing or jumping) or should undergo surgery, which was not always a guarantee of solution.
There are several ways to do Kegel exercises, but all are based on contract and relax the pubococcygeus or PC (also known as pelvic floor muscle) repeatedly in order to increase strength and endurance, and prevent or avoid incontinence and other problems.

The PC muscle is the main muscle of the pelvic floor. It has a nerve connection that reaches the pelvic nerve, a branch that connects the uterus and bladder in women. (In the case of man, connects the bladder and prostate were the bottom of the spine.) If the PC muscle is strong, then becomes the largest energy transmitter. Contraction in man de este músculo estimula la próstata y en la mujer el útero.

¿Cuales son los músculos del suelo pélvico?
El suelo pélvico es un sistema de músculos y ligamentos que cierran el suelo del abdomen manteniendo en posición correcta y en suspensión la vejiga, el útero y el recto en contra de la fuerza de la gravedad. El debilitamiento del suelo pélvico provoca uno o varios de los siguientes trastornos: incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo, prolapsos (caída de los órganos intrabdominales) y disfunciones sexuales.

La figura anterior muestra los tres diafragmas bajos del suelo pélvico. Los músculos más superficiales se muestran en verde, los del diafragma urogenital pubococcygeus yellow and red.

Why should do Kegel exercises during and after pregnancy?
strengthen pelvic floor muscles will help you:
eliminate or avoid incontinence aggravated by the weight of the baby on your bladder during pregnancy.

facilitate delivery to occur less tears (and possibly avoid an episiotomy) with less pain after childbirth.

increase blood circulation in the rectal area, helping to heal faster a tear or episiotomy, and reduce the chance of hemorrhoids. Avoid
prolapse (exit site) of the uterus, bladder and other organs in the area, after having a baby.

Return to your normal activities after childbirth without fear of incontinence when you laugh, cough, sneeze or jump.

increase sexual pleasure. Kegel exercises are essential to tone vaginal muscles and return to a normal sex life after birth.

postpartum incontinence affects about 30% of women, and hemorrhoids to 50% of pregnant women. Both problems can be avoided by doing Kegel exercises every day.

Did you know that 45% of women experience urinary incontinence?
The problem of incontinence is generated by weakened pelvic floor muscles pelvis. These hold the lower abdomen as a bow-shaped guard hammock flexible, and offer necessary support and support for the bladder, uterus and bowels.
pelvic floor through the vent go outside of these three organs: the urethra, vagina and rectum.

addition to the physical, incontinence also leads to psychological and social problems. According to Dr. Miguel Angel Jiménez Cidre, director of the Center for Research on Incontinence (CERN), incontinence sufferers face of prejudice and misinformation in the environment of those affected. "Among these consequences, we have low self-esteem and limited physical activity, sexual and labor if left untreated. The affected also may also have emotional disorders related to the disease, such as panic attacks, stress and depression.
"The consequences of pelvic floor dysfunction significantly alter the quality of life of the patient and to some extent, isolate the impact on their everyday lifestyle. Many women do not go to certain places for fear of wetting or live with shame their problem and do not even dare to consult with your doctor, when he could offer assistance. Moreover, when it interferes with the sexual sphere, conflicts may arise serious partner, "said Dr. Lydia Montoya, Gynecology Service Specialist Hospital Ramón y Cajal.

What are the causes that weaken the pelvic floor?
Pregnancy: the weight of the uterus
Delivery: passing the baby through the vagina
Postpartum: abdominal exercise or perform jumps early, play sports or carry weights.
Sports: especially those of "jumps" and "impact"
Menopause: by hormonal changes, and leading to loss of flexibility and atrophy and hypotonia.
Inheritance: two out of ten women have innate weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.
daily habits, urine retention, wear tight clothes, practice singing, playing wind instruments.
Other causes: obesity, constipation, chronic cough, stress and others.

What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a form of varicose veins that occur routinely during pregnancy due to the increasing pressure on the veins of the rectum. May occur for the first time or made worse because of pregnancy. Some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids are itching, pain and bleeding in the anus. If you notice rectal bleeding during pregnancy, consult your doctor. Although the most likely case of hemorrhoids, is better than a doctor to rule out other more serious possibilities. They may need minor surgery, but usually refer themselves after pregnancy.

How do I identify and isolate the pelvic floor muscles to do Kegel exercises?
The easiest way to recognize the perineal muscle is urinating stopping at intervals. If you can, even if only partially, you have located the muscles need exercise to Kegel exercises. Sit comfortably with your legs open, trying to stop urine flow and bring them again to leave without moving your legs. If you can do without effort, is that you have strong pelvic muscles. Make this test only to recognize the muscles you do not exercise more regularly as it could cause you a urinary tract infection.
Another form of identification is to insert a clean finger into the vagina and try to tighten. If you notice any muscle movement is that you have found him. Try to repeat many times a day as possible, starting with a 50 to reach 300 a day. As your muscles are more toned, you will notice that you hit more.

If none of these techniques work for you, do not worry. Discuss it with your doctor to help you recognize the muscles or rehabilitation recommended you (cover by the English Social Security).

When should do Kegel exercises?
Once you've identified the pelvic floor muscles, you can do Kegel exercises when and where you want, because nobody knows that you're doing!
If after performing the exercises you notes fatigued, with pain in the back or abdominal muscles, and nervous irritability is a sign that you are tightening your abs, back, thighs or buttocks. Try to relax and contract only the pelvic floor muscles.
If you suffer urinary incontinence, how long will it take to notice improvement with Kegel exercises?

If you make around 200 repetitions a day (four sets of 50), it takes 6 to 12 weeks to see improvement, according to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Iowa is a slow process, which must also be done by life, but they will reward you handsomely.

In a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, Swiss scientists found that women who started doing simple exercises, two months after delivery and for twelve weeks had significantly less urinary incontinence than women who never made . About 60% of women who carried out the exercises twice a week, under supervision, reported a dramatic improvement in their ability to control bladder muscles. In addition to the exercises, the women took part in a computer training program to help them be more aware and have better control of these muscles using electrical stimulation. A small electric shock to the pelvic muscles through the vagina helped them to improve the strength of these muscles.

These exercises should be supervised by physical therapists, and offers rehabilitation services in the English Social Security. In severe cases, as when a woman finds it impossible to recognize the muscles of the pelvic floor, electrical stimulation and the use of devices that facilitate its implementation are critical.

I'm very busy, how I can do 200 repetitions a day?
Since the exercises can be done anywhere and whenever you like, because nobody notices, it is easier to find room in your busy schedule. You can take advantage and make them during the broadcast of advertisements on television, or while you breastfeed your baby or give him a bottle. Try to relate it to everyday thing you do every day, like brushing your teeth or waiting for the light to turn green or get the bus to go to work. It would be nice for you to do at least 50 repetitions four times a day, every day.
If you have just given birth, it is very important that the perineal muscles are retrieved before any other exercise. Check with your doctor about when you're ready to start doing light exercise after birth.

How do Kegel exercises?
Here are several exercises you can try. Until you master the technique, it is preferable for you to lie comfortably on your back with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Keep your entire back on the floor, leaving no gap in the lower back. Try to imagine as you pull the muscles up. Do it slowly, concentrating until you drop. Hold, breathing quietly, very slowly let go and relax. Repeat 15 times.

Kegel exercises
1. The lentoAprieta muscles as you did when you tried to stop urinating, throwing up. Contract them and keep a count of 5 and breathing softly. Then relax them for 5 seconds, and repeat the series 10 times.
Try to gradually increase the time of contraction and relaxation. Start by 5 seconds in each case to reach 20. Get longer hold the contraction of muscles, the stronger they will.
2. RápidoAprieta and relaxes the muscles so quickly as you can until you get tired or within about 2 to 3 minutes (whichever comes first). Start with 10 reps four times a day to reach 50 repetitions daily.
3. The ascensorEste exercise requires some concentration, but the results are very good. Your vagina is a muscular tube with ring-shaped sections arranged one above another. Imagine that each section is a different floor of a building, and that goes up and down an elevator stressing each section. Start gently lift up to the first floor, aguántalo for a second, and rises to the second floor. Continues to rise as many plants as possible (usually no more than five). To download, hold A second on each floor. When you get down, try going to the basement, pushing down the pelvic muscles for a few seconds (as if you were in labor). Finally, try to relax the muscles completely for a few seconds. Above all, do not forget to breathe slowly and not do the exercise using abdominal muscles.
4. The ondaAlgunos pelvic floor muscles are arranged as an eight, but with three rings. A ring is placed around the urethra, another around the vagina, and the last around the anus. Contract these muscles from front to back and relax back and forth.
Do these exercises as many times as possible daily. The aim is to carry them out without being noticed. When you start to do them, can seem awkward and strange, but soon you'll see that you can take out without others noticing.
At first, to practice the slow, you may notice that the muscles do not want to stay contracted. You may also get tired quickly with the fast. But if you persevere, you will see that in a few days do not involve any effort.

Is there anything else I can do? Gymnastics hipopresiva
Dr. Caufriez is gaining more followers. The main idea is to work the abdominal girth and pelvic floor to reduce pressure intraabdominal. Due to the complexity of these exercises, we recommend going to a physical therapy center where they can teach you how to perform them personally.


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