Friday, April 6, 2007

Flesh Eating Desiese Merser

The world health day ...

APG NoticiasAbril 6, 2007, 0:33 EDT

La Paz, Bolivia

- "Invest in health, build a safer future" is the theme under which will be commemorated this coming April 7 World Day of Health, as reported by the Health Minister Nila Heredia.

Authorities of the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and international health sector in the country work hard to prevent diseases spreading more than they should. "Investing in health is an affirmation that we can also ask and call upon all sectors to make health a central element for the future, for the life of all life and health is as much but there is enough there will be food and nutrition life, "said the Minister of Salud.En a message from the Director of the Organization Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Mirta Roses Periago, the theme "Investing in Health, Build a Safer Future" reflects one of the most vital concerns of our time:

How to stay safe in a globalized world where disease can move from one continent to another in a matter of hours?. Although the burden may be greater for the developing world, diseases of epidemic potential are a growing threat to all nations.

While new diseases and re-emerging diseases are a danger, there are other concerns, such as: natural disasters, chemical accidents, climate change and its consequences, for which always needs to be preparados.Las newly revised and expanded "International Health Regulations," provide increased international cooperation leading to a more robust and transparent reporting of disease outbreaks and other threats to health and control efforts. This international agreement urges Member States of the World Health Organization to focus their efforts on preventing and containing public health emergencies where they originate.

To this end, it is important that these nations maintain surveillance capabilities and response to detect, assess and report public health incidents. It is also important to manage information transparency and working in solidarity among países.Según the World Health Organization (WHO), the theme of World Health day is to show that in a globalized world health problems present new challenges home again.

These challenges go beyond national borders and have implications for collective security of all personas.Una greater collaboration among all people and nations on the international community will work to improve health and also help make the safe world.

topics which will focus on health are: emerging infectious diseases International Health Regulations (RSI), public health infrastructure and the promotion of health security through sustainable development in healthy environments.


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