Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sd Reader Inspiron 1525

What is hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia, as its name suggests, is a low blood glucose concentration (less than 50/60 mg per 100 ml), or lack of fuel energy for a effort.

usually Hypoglycaemia can come from the fact:
-Skipping meals or fasting long, can be given in cases of athletes involved in physical activity early in the morning without breakfast, for instance.
-Exercising too long.
high-dose or wrong insulin for diabetics. Moreover, some diabetic population also is at risk for hypoglycemia and should normally carry an ID bracelet or even a warning for some cases of medical treatment.

worth the chance of developing insulin-secreting tumors, which can also cause hypoglycemia. These tumors difficult to locate, require surgery to be removed.

can also be given in excessive consumption of alcohol not eating before. One of the common causes in the surf.

What are the symptoms?
-Excessive sweating
-Shaking Hands
-cold-Mal humor


-Exhaustion and / or weakness. Disability Coordination
-In extreme cases, seizures or death

light hypoglycaemia (mild) that occur in isolation, should not be cause for concern. If you suffer regularly or most severe form, it should come as soon as possible to the doctor to diagnose its origin.

How to treat the symptoms of hypoglycemia? Taking small amounts of rapid assimilation sugar (orange juice, candy or sugar directly. It is also possible to take whole milk because it contains high amounts of lactose). In extreme cases, injections of glycogen directly.

If within 10-15 minutes there has been no improvement, repeat dosing.


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