Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I Mate Jamin Battery Problems

all want to always pay less per click on Google AdWords, seek, read, investigate, ask in forums which are those techniques and tricks that AdWords Jinn used to destroy other competitors in the same word.

I then I realize when I have a competitor who knows how AdWords work, I notice it because I know the way it presents its listing, like looking for what people are looking to sit at your computer searching for relevant information according to your query .

What is Relevance?

is the degree of affinity of a page including a list of search results with the subject or information sought by a navigator.

A client once told me, Carlos Andrés Google manipulates search results to AdWords users because they pay out in the first place?

My response was, Google allows anyone to turn any word with its respective owner and is sure to display ads that result in the first 15 minutes of activity (for other countries may take up to 4 hours of publication), but if your ad word and landing page is not relevant, Google can do the following:

1. Your level of quality shows your word on OK, or Low.
2. Start off the words and demands you pay dearly for Click to activate.
3. Not approve your ad and will never be published until you check the AWE.

Yesterday I called a client of Argentina and was wondering why your ads were not running, took 3 weeks and your ad is not showing. I said that surely is under review by the editors of Google.

algorithm runs your Google AdWords campaign within seconds, reviewing the words, ads and landing page when finishing the campaign settings, this happens in milliseconds. If the algorithm detects that do not meet the relevant characteristics we required to show your ad, it is frozen and goes to a queue expected and a human (publishers and Google ads supervisors) should review and decide whether to approve your ad.

When the algorithm rejects it, can take up to 1 week or 2 to achieve a publisher check your AdWords ad, and that's where you start to lose time waiting for you to approve it, and it happens that you're not being relevant.

Note: If your ad is frozen (24 hours) in this way, you have to do to quickly review what you are writing an email to Google AdWords, reporting that your ad is not yet on the results, and they him out of the queue for revisartelo immediately, if it will approve it, or else you'll see in your control panel rejected the ad.

Rejected Ads: You must edit it and find its relevance, and begin the process again. Most of the time back to stay in queue for an editor will review it again.

For you to be effective with Google AdWords, you should always seek relevance, find that your words and ads as relevant as possible and pay much less. Relevance +

Pay less per click = Qualified Traffic

Carlos Andrés Gallego
Google AdWords Consultant USA


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