Monday, August 6, 2007

Powdered Waxtreadmills

Growth hormone (

remember that although you see no updates right in this section, belongs to health and fitness blog Fitness LiƩbana Santi, which in turn constantly updated both in content and in . In fact, we leave with the last post of Viton: Growth Hormone.

growth hormone (hGH or somatotropin) is one of the most commonly used substances, both naturally secreted (favoring by training, rest and diet) as exogenously taken (by injection) since its high in some most important mechanisms of human metabolism. In fact, Growth Hormone-is considered the biggest and best lipolytic, among others.

Growth Hormone (hGH) is secreted by the pituitary (gland in the brain) and is a hormone made by different sugars (carbohydrates) and proteins and their function is essentially on two fronts: Growth teijdos by nitrogen retention and amino acids in them and metabolic function (glucose and helps inhibit fat intake). Is stimulated mainly to heavy physical exertion and through rest.

How useful is in the world of sports?

Several current
say that hGH is much better and more effective than any anabolic steroid at the time of improving body composition (more muscle and less fat), optimizing performance and much more physical effort. In addition, it is harder to detect than steroids appointed.

On the other hand, the action recuperating after musculoskeletal injuries makes growth hormone which is essential in many sports competition (rumored to be widely used in the elite world of football), although there are very clarifying studies to measure with some accuracy the better brands in other sports.

visible side effects of hGH abuse are acromegaly (excessive lengthening of some bones such as the jaw, head, feet and hands), cardiovascular disease and excess fat in the skin. Via

FundaciĆ³n Miguel Indurain


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