Thursday, November 27, 2008

Is Pooing Alot Sing Of Pregnacy?

(Enfin des reunions efficaees, Eyrolles, 1988)
(We have got to start meetings like this,
Seott, Foresman & Co., 1986)

This is a highly practical book . And a book completely current. Based on surveys conducted by the authors over a thousand technical managers in leading companies in the United States, the book also provides many more results of empirical studies. So the book is not a book "normative" in the style of those recommendations generally based on the wisdom of the authors. Breaking
our practice, summary we have not made from the American edition, simply because we knew his time. We used the French version. Thus, the reader of Abstracts, who always recommend purchasing and reading the book, from which the summary is only an introduction and an incentive for its study, has the ability to read English or French ... and probably in English, if it exists (not know) a version in Castilian.
Particularly important is the reading of the appendices. In the A describes different types of meetings, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages. In the B included some comments on the surveys conducted by Mosvick in 1981/1982, and 1983/86.
Although this is a country different from ours, I believe that the findings of a survey conducted in Spain would be approximately the same.
Finally, in the appendix that offers a model checklists and assessment sheets for the preparation, development and monitoring of the agreements of the meetings. Are of great interest.
I draw attention to the last two chapters of the book summary. In the eighth identifies the challenges and opportunities of the meetings. A careful reading and following the recommendations of the authors will undoubtedly lead to successful meetings.
In the last chapter offers some interesting observations meeting on the future: the implementation of MIS and CSS, computer support for decision making, and three types of electronic conferences: the TelereuniĆ³n, the computer conferencing and electronic mail and videoconferencing.
meetings as directed in the United States.
These are a few observable facts:
(1) Most decisions are made during a meeting
(2) Every manager spends, on average, 25% of their time in meetings
(3) The meetings are becoming more frequent
(4) More than half of the thousands of hours spent in meetings are squandered
(5) The time wasted in meetings is an outrage to the productivity
The authors state that any company can increase 25 to 35% return on their meetings, by learning the basic techniques outlined in the book and appropriate training.
Meetings are the nerve centers of this complex system that is internal communication. But we all have felt despair over these reunions once so numerous, improvised, poorly coordinated and inacabables.En the past 25 years has given increasing importance to the meetings. A survey of 1960 (Tillman) shows that while the managers invested about 3 hours and half a week in meetings, from 55 to 85% of them (as levels) considered that promote coordination, creativity and decision-making, thanks to improved communications. Another survey of 1973 (Rice) said that ten years after time spent at meetings doubled.
But in this second survey as important is the evidence of the deterioration of the meetings. A third of managers surveyed felt that the meetings had no interest or very low, and 73% had doubts about its effectiveness. Causes: lack of preparation (77%), lack of relationship between the issues (82%), and the excessive length (60%). Similar conclusions were obtained in ...



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