Friday, July 31, 2009

After Mamogram Ihave A Red Rash

Biografia Rafael Ayala, Dale Carnegie

Born in 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, Carnegie was raised on a farm, the second son of James William and Amanda Elizabeth Carnegie. In his youth, he worked in the field while he was studying at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg, graduated as a schoolteacher. His first job after college was selling correspondence courses to farmers (ranchers), then became a salesman of bacon, soap and lard for Armour & Company business. Was so successful that got his area, South Omaha, was national sales leader for the company.

The most successful marketing of Dale Carnegie was to change the diction of his maternal surname of "Carnegey" to Carnegie, at a time in which the entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie was widely revered and recognized.

"At twenty years I was one of the most unhappy youth was in New York. Engines sold truck for a living. I had no idea what he was operating a motor. But that was not all: even I was interested to learn. He hated my job. She hated living in a cheap furnished room on West 66th Street, a room full of cockroaches. I still remember I had a bunch of neckties hanging on the walls, and when he went to take one every morning, cockroaches fleeing in all directions. I hated to eat in cheap restaurants and dirty, they surely were full of cockroaches.

"every night I returned to my lonely room with a terrible headache, which fed and nourished with disappointment, worry, bitterness and rebellion. I was rebelling because the dreams I had cherished back in the days when I was at school had become dysfunctional. Was this life? Was this life adventure that I had waited so eagerly? Was this all life would mean to me, engaged in a job he despised and without hope for the future? Longed to have time to read. He longed to write the books he had dreamed of writing when I was in college.

"I knew I had everything to gain and nothing to lose if he left the job she hated. I was not interested in doing a lot of money, but I was interested to live long. In short, it had reached a Rubicon, in that moment of decision faced by the majority of young people when they start living on their own. So I made my decision and that decision completely altered my future. Has made the rest of my life to be happy and successful beyond my utopian aspirations.
"This was my decision: leave the job she hated and, since he had spent four years studying at the State Teachers College in Warrensburg, Missouri, studying to be a teacher, he would be giving lessons to adults in night school. Thus having the day off to read books, prepare classes, writing novels and short stories. I wanted to 'live to write and write to live'. "
Dale Carnegie

An entrepreneur must learn and master the subtle art of communication. Successful leaders were and are skilled communicators. No matter what we engage, for the entrepreneur, the professional, the employee, the ability to communicate is fundamental, it depends on the success of your business.

Dale Carnegie was an expert on the subject and one of his books wrote the following about it:

"... Have you ever been questioned that the dog is the only animal do not have to work for a living? The hen has to lay eggs. The cow has to give milk and the canary has to sing. But the dog makes a living just by showing love ... "

Certainly, dogs are born communicators and naturally get what they want from humans. There is much to learn from these friendly animals. They know very well their business and manage it masterfully. Why read books on human relations if we have a teacher at home.

Well, there are also people who know the benefits of good communication, and do so with exquisite creativity. Dale Carnegie presents a case of his own experience:

"The Last year I needed a private secretary, and put an ad in the paper with a mail box number. I estimate that I received about three hundred letters. Almost all began with something like: 'This letter is in response to your advertisement in the Sunday Times PO Box 299. I want to be considered for the position offered. I have twenty-six, etc. ... '
But a woman was clever. Do not talk about what she wanted. He talked about what I wanted. His letter said something like this: "Dear Sir. Probably you will receive a two or three hundred letters in response to its notice. You are a busy man. No time to read them all. So if you right now picks up the phone and call ... (I do not remember the number) ... I'd love to get close to his office and devote myself to open the letters, throw away the least interesting and give you the rest. I have fifteen years of experience ... '
then was telling me about all the important people with whom he worked. At the time I received that letter, I felt like dancing on the table.
Immediately, I phoned and told him to come, but I was too late. Another employer had hired. A woman like that has the business world at his feet. "

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fish Breathing Rate Experiment

Video Motivational Motivation Perseverance

Excellent video that shows us that by working with perseverance you or later you will reach your goals

Libra Most Compatible Signs

Video, Take Action! Rene Mantecon

motivation and overcoming Capsule Personally, this capsule containing a message for taking action.

How To Evolve Eevee Into Leafeon In Indigo

The Benefits of Network Marketing Success

- Confidence in themselves

- Freedom in the use of time

- Financial Freedom


Residual Income - Time Spent Multiplied.

In this new millennium, Time is our most valuable resource, is more important to our security that we attain a good return on our money.

The new paradigm of power is becoming a paradigm debt free, which allows us to take advantage of new opportunities. In the future, the debt will be the only major obstacle that prevents people from taking advantage of opportunities.

Eating And Cholesterol Test

Vision: Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs rates.

Male Brazilian Wax Charli

Michael Phelps, Story of a dream

most influential men are those who make statements that break cultural paradigms that do not stay in the declaration but also the meet, leaving their name engraved in history.

Candida Glabrata Pregnant

Biography, Soichiro Honda

Soichiro Honda (* 1909 - August 5, 1991) was a Japanese businessman, founder of Honda Motors.

Born into a humble family in a small Japanese town, very young Soichiro Honda was a passion for mechanical devices. His father owned a bicycle repair shop.

At the age of 15, Soichiro moved to Tokyo to work in the automotive Hart Shokai. At age 21, returned to his hometown become in a mechanical expert, as head of a branch of that automotiz. However, once it became independent and set up a factory pistons that soon failed. Later he enrolled in college and later reopened his small factory.

At the end of World War II, Soichiro lost everything in the middle of the devastation caused by U.S. bombing.

In 1948, associated with Takeo Fujisawa, founded the Honda Motor Company in order to produce motorcycles, and that the bombing had devastated the Japanese fleet. The original idea was to make motor bikes, but the first engine used was too heavy and then the company went bankrupt. However, Soichiro built a lighter engine, fast and quiet, and immediately came success. The production was increasing rapidly and factories were established throughout Japan. The company's reputation grew as Honda motorcycles began to win international competitions.

In early 1960, Soichiro expanded its industrial activities devoted entirely to the automotive industry. Set a goal to win a Formula 1 race with a car manufacturing, which it did in 1965.

Since 1967, Honda began producing small cars. When crisis broke out in 1973 oil production increased low-power Honda Civic, which the company is positioned so unbeatable in the world.

Japan Metro Molesters

Bil Gates, Successful Entrepreneur

The richest man in the world.

William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. Seattle, Washington - EE.EE created the software company Microsoft which led him to achieve success almost unattainable. Bill Gates, became a legend, the possessions among the 3 richest men in the balloon and secured his name in history books, a person with impressive ability to do business and predict the future.

Today Microsoft made its withdrawal to pursue a new Foundation to which he devotes most of the day alongside partner and wife.

here a few phrases of Bill Gates:
Our greatest source of knowledge are our most dissatisfied (Bill Gates)

I play in a 3-dimensional world, while others have remained in half with only two (Bill Gates)

"The secret of success in business is to detect where it goes the world and get there first" (Bill Gates)
In a conference, Bill Gates recently said: "Having a business in less than a decade not be a matter of choice but of survival "(Bill Gates)
Business and time lords, time to take advantage of these words and anticipating the future. Why wait for that to happen, better join in the era of business and investment, Join the new wave of opportunities .. "Network Marketing"

Naghty Ameraca Mediafire




studied at the MIT Computer Science and at the end he joined the faculty, but in 1982 left him to study the real world of business. Never went to class in a business school. And look at the real world observed that information technology was paving the old wagon road, ignoring the opportunities offered by technology. But he was lucky to meet a few companies that saw things differently, "reinventing" the old ways, instead of asphalt. There was no theory behind these innovations. Improvised companies, were not a textbook. Hammer worked to synthesize theory I was behind those experiences, and their methodology, so that other companies copy it. Thus was born the reengineering. His experiences are reflected in three books. But the most important thing you learned by applying the reengineering is that no single theory, technique or idea that gets salvation and success of companies. The central idea of \u200b\u200b"Reengineering the Corporation" was that dramatic changes could be achieved in improving yields through radical changes in processes. And although Hammer never claimed that reengineering is what companies need to beat their competitors, the popularity of the book led to many companies consider to reengineering as a panacea. That's why this book was written. The companies that succeed need reengineering, but also many other things. The book aims to bring new concepts to explain how the best companies control the turbulent environment in which they move

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sample Of Poultry Farms

Juran on Quality by Design to Great

Today a third of what we do is to remake the earlier work. Many quality problems have their origin in the form of plan quality, and that this is done by amateurs. The solution is twofold: (a) or help fans with consultants, (b) or train them to be professionals, a solution that has proven more effective than the first
There are two quality concepts: (a) the characteristics that give answers to customer needs (giving satisfaction to him and who make the product be sold ...) and (b) lack of product defect (which reduces the cost, the work of remaking the product ...)
can talk about quality in small and big quality. There are differences according to topics (small / big):
products (goods manufactured / all products, goods and services)
processes (related to the production / any type of process)
sectors (manufacturing / all sectors, economic or otherwise)
Quality is ... (a technological problem / a problem of companies)
Clients (those who buy the products / all concerned)
do you think about the quality (based on the culture of departments
functional / is based on the Universal Trilogy)
quality objectives include ... (with the factory / on the company's plan
costs of poor quality (related to the products / everyone disappear if all was perfect)
The improvement is directed ... (the performance of the departments / performance of the whole enterprise)
quality assessment is based ... (in the consistent with the specifications / the responsibility of the customer's needs)
quality training ... (is concentrated in the Department of Quality / enterprise-wide)
coordination makes ... (the quality manager) / committee senior management)
quality planning is to set quality objectives, and development of products and processes to achieve them.
The Juran Trilogy quality management is to plan, monitor and improve. These 3 processes are broken down as follows: QUALITY PLANNING

quality Set objectives Identify customers

Identify customer needs
Develop the characteristics that respond to these needs
Develop processes that create these features
Establish control processes
assess the current quality performance
Compare the performance achieved with the objectives act on the differences

Create the infrastructure to ensure the annual quality improvement
identify improvement projects
Create a project team for each
provide resources, motivation and training to diagnose the causes, formulate solutions, and control the profits
IMPROVING THE QUALITY. Quality Planning make fans: there should be professionalized
focuses only on quality small: changing the quality
big part is done without the victims: seek participation
empirical methods are used: adopting modern systematic methods
plans to move operations without testing: testing
can be planned only after setting targets. These quality objectives may be tactical, set to low levels of the structure or strategic, is set at the highest levels, and are part of the business plans that use these terms: vision (which is to be achieved, or wants to be); and policies, or criteria for action (promote internal staff, improve the quality of the competitors). Are first
goals and objectives, or needs? An order from suppliers is to establish sources of income, and half is knowing customers and their needs .. But customer needs are the goals of the providers. To answer the question had to ask: from the point of view? The authors believe that the establishment of goals and objectives is the first step of planning. In the case of the strategic goals of quality, have their origin in business plans.
basis for establishing quality objectives. One of them, technology, especially in the lower levels of the hierarchy. Another market with projects such as launching a new product, along with benchmarking, see what competitors have achieved. A third is the story.
hierarchy and deployment of quality objectives. The goals are pyramid-shaped, reaching apex of greatest importance, and dividing into sub-goals, tertiary, etc ... For example, an airline has a target time performance. The project breaks down or deployed as a policy of delaying the departure, a new organization of the exit doors, the review of departmental procedures, monitoring employee behavior.
The effect of quality "big." Traditionally (with quality "small") strategic goals related to issues such as the price paid for goods and services purchased, fast customer service, or the amount of rejects and rework. Today, these objectives have been extended to issues such as reducing the time to launch a new product, improving the quality of sales forecasts, or to establish working teams with suppliers.
resources for planning and interference from senior management. These resources include the effort needed to establish the basic system of strategic goals. Moreover, senior management, setting strategic goals of quality, reduces the autonomy of the divisions, usually reserved for the approval of the quality objectives of the divisions, plans to achieve these quality objectives, and review performance divisions on the issue of quality.
Customers are not only buying the products, there are many more persons "impacted." And most of the "products" are not "sold" in the literal sense: letters, ...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Best Running Shoe For Narrow Feet

Video "Words of Leadership"

Motivational Video about Leadership, with reinforcements to maintain and increase positive attitudes. Looking for a Leader? Look in your mirror! ...