Monday, July 27, 2009

Japan Metro Molesters

Bil Gates, Successful Entrepreneur

The richest man in the world.

William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. Seattle, Washington - EE.EE created the software company Microsoft which led him to achieve success almost unattainable. Bill Gates, became a legend, the possessions among the 3 richest men in the balloon and secured his name in history books, a person with impressive ability to do business and predict the future.

Today Microsoft made its withdrawal to pursue a new Foundation to which he devotes most of the day alongside partner and wife.

here a few phrases of Bill Gates:
Our greatest source of knowledge are our most dissatisfied (Bill Gates)

I play in a 3-dimensional world, while others have remained in half with only two (Bill Gates)

"The secret of success in business is to detect where it goes the world and get there first" (Bill Gates)
In a conference, Bill Gates recently said: "Having a business in less than a decade not be a matter of choice but of survival "(Bill Gates)
Business and time lords, time to take advantage of these words and anticipating the future. Why wait for that to happen, better join in the era of business and investment, Join the new wave of opportunities .. "Network Marketing"


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