Monday, July 13, 2009

Sample Of Poultry Farms

Juran on Quality by Design to Great

Today a third of what we do is to remake the earlier work. Many quality problems have their origin in the form of plan quality, and that this is done by amateurs. The solution is twofold: (a) or help fans with consultants, (b) or train them to be professionals, a solution that has proven more effective than the first
There are two quality concepts: (a) the characteristics that give answers to customer needs (giving satisfaction to him and who make the product be sold ...) and (b) lack of product defect (which reduces the cost, the work of remaking the product ...)
can talk about quality in small and big quality. There are differences according to topics (small / big):
products (goods manufactured / all products, goods and services)
processes (related to the production / any type of process)
sectors (manufacturing / all sectors, economic or otherwise)
Quality is ... (a technological problem / a problem of companies)
Clients (those who buy the products / all concerned)
do you think about the quality (based on the culture of departments
functional / is based on the Universal Trilogy)
quality objectives include ... (with the factory / on the company's plan
costs of poor quality (related to the products / everyone disappear if all was perfect)
The improvement is directed ... (the performance of the departments / performance of the whole enterprise)
quality assessment is based ... (in the consistent with the specifications / the responsibility of the customer's needs)
quality training ... (is concentrated in the Department of Quality / enterprise-wide)
coordination makes ... (the quality manager) / committee senior management)
quality planning is to set quality objectives, and development of products and processes to achieve them.
The Juran Trilogy quality management is to plan, monitor and improve. These 3 processes are broken down as follows: QUALITY PLANNING

quality Set objectives Identify customers

Identify customer needs
Develop the characteristics that respond to these needs
Develop processes that create these features
Establish control processes
assess the current quality performance
Compare the performance achieved with the objectives act on the differences

Create the infrastructure to ensure the annual quality improvement
identify improvement projects
Create a project team for each
provide resources, motivation and training to diagnose the causes, formulate solutions, and control the profits
IMPROVING THE QUALITY. Quality Planning make fans: there should be professionalized
focuses only on quality small: changing the quality
big part is done without the victims: seek participation
empirical methods are used: adopting modern systematic methods
plans to move operations without testing: testing
can be planned only after setting targets. These quality objectives may be tactical, set to low levels of the structure or strategic, is set at the highest levels, and are part of the business plans that use these terms: vision (which is to be achieved, or wants to be); and policies, or criteria for action (promote internal staff, improve the quality of the competitors). Are first
goals and objectives, or needs? An order from suppliers is to establish sources of income, and half is knowing customers and their needs .. But customer needs are the goals of the providers. To answer the question had to ask: from the point of view? The authors believe that the establishment of goals and objectives is the first step of planning. In the case of the strategic goals of quality, have their origin in business plans.
basis for establishing quality objectives. One of them, technology, especially in the lower levels of the hierarchy. Another market with projects such as launching a new product, along with benchmarking, see what competitors have achieved. A third is the story.
hierarchy and deployment of quality objectives. The goals are pyramid-shaped, reaching apex of greatest importance, and dividing into sub-goals, tertiary, etc ... For example, an airline has a target time performance. The project breaks down or deployed as a policy of delaying the departure, a new organization of the exit doors, the review of departmental procedures, monitoring employee behavior.
The effect of quality "big." Traditionally (with quality "small") strategic goals related to issues such as the price paid for goods and services purchased, fast customer service, or the amount of rejects and rework. Today, these objectives have been extended to issues such as reducing the time to launch a new product, improving the quality of sales forecasts, or to establish working teams with suppliers.
resources for planning and interference from senior management. These resources include the effort needed to establish the basic system of strategic goals. Moreover, senior management, setting strategic goals of quality, reduces the autonomy of the divisions, usually reserved for the approval of the quality objectives of the divisions, plans to achieve these quality objectives, and review performance divisions on the issue of quality.
Customers are not only buying the products, there are many more persons "impacted." And most of the "products" are not "sold" in the literal sense: letters, ...


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