Sunday, December 10, 2006

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More work with heart rate monitor ... Training with heart rate monitor

Activities such as Indoor Cycle, Pilates (both land and machines) or Aquafitness have moved progressively to the sessions for "soil" as aerobics, step ...
While we are clear that the trends and even the "fashion" has much to do with this, we must also recognize that the instructors have not put everything you would play as such to keep your full session: Control the difficulty of choreography, communication and motivation, safety, or teaching capacity, without going any further, the subject to which we refer in this case, the use of progress technological or scientific applicable to our sessions.

What is a heart rate monitor?

Simply put, a heart rate monitor is a device used to measure the pulse ... so easy and so complex at a time like that ... A kind of watch with the functions of time, date, stopwatch with the addition of pulse control and more advanced (depending on model: Control of the percentages of effort, calories burned, time in aerobic-anaerobic zones, graphics or even the ability to download the data into a computer).
Of course, you must perform a series of adjustments such as age, weight,% fat, VO2 max, resting heart rate, maximum heart rate ... to provide the best reliability available to it.

a heart rate monitor WHAT MY ACTIVITIES AIMED AT?
As we say, a little technological advance in aerobics, step, fitness, etc.. would not all bad.

Studies such as those by CarlosBarbado (1), demonstrating that the indoor cycle that was previously undertaken by anaerobic excess peaks in the sessions, Ginés Foixench (2), queindicaba the cardiovascular pobretrabajo performed aerobics sessions Capi (3 ), with various conclusions and the intensity difference musical about the speed, demonstrate through experiments in his day surprising that on many occasions, our activities aimed not meet the minimum goals and customer expectations in terms of cardiovascular work.

Do you really know if we are working correctly at the cardiovascular level in a choreographed aerobics? With a majority of clientele that you want to reduce waist, legs, hips ... Have you stopped to think how many caloríasllegas really burn in a session of fitness or toning located?

Also, if you want to improve cardiovascular performance in your sessions targeted use the heart rate monitor as a tool. Use a simple spreadsheet to keep track of calories burned per session, time bands best work, maximum heart rate,% fat burn ... and seen as reflecting the small changes you can make in your workouts for better or worse overall performance.
other hand, will be very useful if you have a student @ a certain confidence that you can put the heart rate monitor for further testing, or even keep trying with different types of people.


-Resting Heart Rate: The number of keystrokes you have of lying, without effort and, if possible, early in the morning. It is convenient to the test several times to give greater reliability.
-Maximum heart rate: The maximum number of beats per minute can be. There are several ways of approaching our maximum by age, but how are you not distinguish other important values \u200b\u200bsuch as individual's health status, genetics itself or in some cases being male or female, so we recommend if you lifetime athlete or coach, to direct you to a medical center to perform a stress test (ECG) (5). There are too expensive (around € 25-30 proof), and you will react infinitely safer.

Experiments "HOME" TO CONSIDER

-Perform a GAP session (or found) in a conventional manner, doing most of the lying exercises, both open and closed chain (4) and a heart rate monitor calculates the amount of calories consumed.

"Now, perform a GAP session of the same duration avoiding possible exercises lying down, going to make intervallic series of medium-high intensity exercise combined, closed or open chain, standing and moving a minimum of 1 / 6 of the total body. Back to measure calories consumed.

· 1) Area of \u200b\u200bmoderate activity (50-60% MHR).
· 2) weight control zone (60-70% MHR).
· 3) aerobic threshold zone (70-80% MHR).
· 4) anaerobic threshold zone (80-90% MHR).
° 5) red line zone (90-100% MHR). For a casual athlete is inadvisable
training in this area and only makes sense in the case of elite athletes

"Take the heart rate monitor and calculate the calories consumed in one hour of rest
(approximately one hour basal metabolism).

"On the other hand, works with heart rate monitor in sessions led and even try it with a student. Does anaerobic abused peaks in Indoor Cycle? "Reach your students a minimum acceptable cardio sessions choreographed?

- Are there sessions that really almost be better to stay home? If your answer is yes ... understand your customers think the same thing!


(1) - Research on the reality of Indoor Cycle aerobic work.
(2) - Research on the reality of work choreographed aerobic sessions.
(3) - Several studies done aerobics and / or high intensity step.
(4) - GAP, glutes, abs and legs. Diéguez July. Editorial INDE.
(5) -

Training with heart rate monitor (
fitness manual gyms. Juan Carlos Colado. Editorial Inde.
Manual of Fitness and Personal Training Level II FEDA. Francesc Deltell. James Rado

Aerobics Trainer Level III and Guided Activities Officer and Professor FEDA FEDA
Reporter and "presenter" in different national conventions. Contributor
magazines "INTERGYM's" and "Active Training".


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