Sunday, December 3, 2006

Burning From My Throat To My Stomach

According to the newspaper "The Nation" ...

When a low level of physical activity, between 13 and 18 years is a drop of exercise capacity. This was revealed by a English study of 3000 adolescents, whose results were presented yesterday in Buenos Aires.

This is, paradoxically, at a stage in which individuals must reach the highest fitness in their lives. The study (a similar one will be next year in Argentina) has shown that sedentary during this period results in more cases of obesity and cholesterol disorders, risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

"We saw that 18 year olds engaged in less physical activity than 13 and that, contrary to what one might expect, the fitness level was reduced significantly between 13 and 18 years," he said yesterday THE NATION Dr. Manuel Castillo Garzón, a researcher at the Department of Physiology, University of Granada, Spain, during the presentation of the campaign Welfare Movement of the Coca-Cola.

"In the adolescent is growing and is at the stage where it reaches its full potential [physical], a drop of about 8 percent of their physical condition, as we have seen, is of great importance, "the researcher added. In his opinion, this situation portends a poor start to adulthood, in which" the level of fitness will decline with over time. "

But what are the consequences of lack of exercise in the young? Dr. Castillo Garzón builds a response from several factors evaluated in their study:" We note that the worse was the level of physical condition, the greater the incidence of abdominal obesity, of dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, lowering good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol and the presence other factors that we now know are associated with atherosclerosis, such as inflammation markers. "

In one of the published scientific papers from the analysis presented yesterday by Dr. Castillo Garzón, the researchers found that" one five teens has future cardiovascular risk [calculated] on the basis of their aerobic capacity.

These young English specialist said, "we can expect a higher incidence of diseases associated with inadequate lifestyle. The paradigm is obesity and overweight, as well as the metabolic syndrome, followed by atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

How much physical activity should be performed regularly during the teenage boy? "Although there is no recommendation that fits all," said the English researchers, "we can say that a minimum would be one hour, three times per week of aerobic activity and strength important." According to their study, only between 50 and 60% of English adolescents meet that share essential movement.

What about Argentina?

What is the physical state of our teenagers?, Is a question that has yet to be answered by future studies, La Nacion said Dr. Alejandro O'Donnell, director Center for Studies on Infant Nutrition (CESNI), which plans to carry out a study to find an answer.

Under Welfare Movement campaign, which appeared yesterday Coca-Cola, which includes a new nutrition labels of its products, the CESNI will launch an investigation next year that will not only know how much activity Argentine teens made physical. The study will determine whether certain interventions are effective in moving them.

"The study, which will begin next year, will take place in schools where teachers work with education natural to try to find ways to encourage physical activity of pupils, told Dr. O Donnell. At the same time, we will give the students a few devices that measure physical activity continuously, and allow us to estimate how much physical activity performed throughout the day. "

Thus, the study will provide a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bhow active or how sedentary young Argentines are at the same time provide strategies to make young people move and develop their maximum physical ability.

For Dr. Castillo Garzón, one of the subjects that are still outstanding is just "find the appropriate message for teens to exercise. Adolescence is a crucial step in forming habits that generally persist for the rest of life. "

That is counted among those habits of physical activity is the goal sought by these and many other researchers, and is perhaps the only tool able to reverse the growing epidemic of obesity, which is largely on the sedentary nature of modern life.

By Sebastián A. Ríos
Editors of the NATION


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