Friday, April 29, 2011

When Do You Worry About Night Sweats

Choose the best mortgage is our responsibility

Compare different mortgage market is not a simple task if it is to check each bank offers different going to financial institutions.

In Bankimia mortgage simulator we have some ideas to help the client to choose a good mortgage. Leaving this decision to the director life is a mistake that we may regret for a long time. Comparators

mortgage like Bankimia provide a useful tool for an initial screening. But then you have to submit documentation to the lender and continue with the mortgage process. The comparator can tell you the best mortgage markets an entity, but if not sold on the network or charge more depending on the risk profile, we must find a branch or by online banking institutions. Percentage of funding

The rate of funding regarding pricing and the limit of the purchase and sale are essential if we want to know if we will be able to acquire housing.

There are entities that offer 80% pricing, sometimes the smallest value between 80% of pricing and purchasing 100% and others that can reach 100% pricing (currently to finance expenditures often have to apply for a mortgage to buy a flat of the bank).

Imagine we want to buy a house for 200,000 and we have 10,000 saved. The home appraisal is € 222,000. We need more total household expenditure (amounting to 21,000 euros) less than the 10,000 saved. Ie, 211,000 euros.

We provide the support of parents, but without mortgaging your home.

We have seen the best mortgage to suit our needs:
  • A 80% grants appraisal.
  • the
  • Another 100% lower of purchase price valuation and .
  • Finally we have the most expensive of the three, reaching 100% of appraisal if we provide guarantors.

The first limits us to 80% funding of 222,000 euros, that is, we granted 177,600 euros. We cover the 211,000 euros that we need. In very good condition to offer, we must emphasize this mortgage.

The second limited to the lesser of:
  • 100% of valuation, 222,000 euros.
  • 100% of sale price: 200,000 euros.
So we granted 200,000 euros only, which we need money for the operation.

Finally, the third allows us to finance 100% of appraisal if guarantors guaranteeing the operation sign. We granted up to € 222,000. We need 211,000 euros to more than enough, so choose this mortgage, even if economic conditions worse. Differential


euribor important thing is to compare the differential mortgages, no down payment
The initial interest rate is not a relevant fact, is the fixed rate that we apply during the first review . But from the year (or 6 months) variable rate is applied, the result of adding the euribor differential agreed: interest Euribor + variable = differential.

therefore no need to compare mortgages based on the payment, but the spread.

A mortgage that offers a euribor + 0.48 is better than another that offers euribor + 0.75, although the payment may be identical (to apply the same initial interest rate).

Insurance and additional products

The insurance and additional products not included in the APR
insurance and other additional products more expensive mortgage and are not included in the APR the bank gives us. Therefore, to compare mortgages not just look at the APR, it is assess the cost and utility of the products that we do hire.

mortgage commissions

The commissions are important, and the principal are the commission and the withdrawal
The opening commission paid to us at the beginning of the mortgage. Usually ranging from 0 to 1%. Ideally, choose the one that we offer lower commission.

fees The partial or total withdrawal ranging from 0% to the limits set by law at 0.5% the first 5 years and 0.25% for the remainder of the period. The smaller the better commissions mortgage contract if the other variables are equal.

Term mortgage term

The variable is a paradox: a longer term and lower amount paid plus interest
If we are comparing a mortgage that gives us a maximum of 30 years and one that reaches 40, the same type of initial interest and variable (3% take initial reference), amounting to 200,000 euros, we are the following fees:
  • At 30 years: 731 euros.
  • A 40 years: 598 euros. In the longer term
therefore lower fee. Now let us see what would end up paying if we hold the mortgage until the end with the same interest rate (for simplicity):
  • After 30 years, paid 263,160 euros (63,160 euros of interest).
  • After 40 years, we end up paying 287,040 euros (87,040 euros of interest).
Therefore, longer term and interest paid, as evidenced by the mortgage simulation we have done.

Mortgage: a lifetime of financial decision

To find compare mortgages must have a minimum training on the subject. Not enough to go to a comparator mortgage or branch manager must learn the basics of mortgage loan to make the right choice: a mortgage is probably the most important financial decision of our lives .

worth learning in that we get before signing a deed lifetime .

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Is The Minimum Width Of A Residental Hallway

mortgage intermediaries comply with the law

Bankimia In we talked about the regulation of financial intermediation enterprises , commonly known as companies debt consolidation.

This new opportunity in the mortgage simulator deepened over the issue of financial intermediaries and their regulation.

A potential effects of a consumer what you most want to go when considering to a financial intermediary can be summarized in several aspects, namely:
  1. If they meet the legal , and they comply only formally or in their usual practice. Grade
  2. the financial professional independence with respect to financial institutions. Cost
  3. to go to the intermediary.
  4. mortgage negotiation capacity.
  5. Experience, professionalism and training.
properly assess all these factors will allow us to hire a true advisor we get an excellent mortgage loan to purchase a home, subrogate reunite debts or to another entity or a mere charlatan .

How do you know if it complies with current legislation?

The bottom line when hiring a financial intermediary is whether it complies with the regulations governing mortgage brokerage activity, namely Law 2 / 2009 and the recent RD 106/2011 creates the registry state companies and private equity intermediation.

The first and the faster web access National Consumer Institute and find the State Register of companies regulated by the Law 2 / 2009 (it is in period creation, since the rule gives 3 months to apply for professional registration.) Unless

agent is a credit institution (acting on behalf of one financial institution and are discharged at the Bank of Spain ) or a real estate (free to register if handled mortgages for customers in the real estate market) the financial intermediary must include in the State Register (up to create the corresponding records in the autonomous communities). We

free access to the following information:

  1. The identification data of companies.
  2. activity develop and, where appropriate, if they work exclusively for one or more credit institutions or other companies. Important because we know if only works for a bank or a number.
  3. The establishments available to the company and its location.
  4. The territory in which they operate.
  5. identifying data of the insurance company or bank with which it has contracted liability insurance or bank guarantee and the amount required .
  6. least
  7. The brochure under Article 5.5 of the Law 2 / 2009, pricing services, rates of commissions or compensation and expenses attributable to apply a maximum of operations and services provided, maximum rates of the products they sell, including, where appropriate, interest rates for late payment. We may charge fees above the published of registration.
Moreover, the financial intermediary has to give us a copy of the service contract will be signed, with the general conditions of contract .

The rates of fees and expenses payable or compensation given us, including consulting activities, indicate assumptions and, where appropriate, frequency with which they apply. In any case we may pay higher commission or not we accept signing the relevant document, as you say in your guide on the startup requirements intermediation activities of IDA (Association of Professionals and Investment Advisors Finance).

No doubt this guide will be useful to potential customers in a reunification loans and debt or any other type of loan handled by an intermediary.

Clearing Airlock In Underfloor Heating

Bankimia reviewing Government Bonds

On Monday I had the opportunity to give my opinion, responsible for contents of comparator Bankimia mortgage on the second issue of Government Bonds .

I shared my ideas on the agenda Credit Xarxa de Televisions Locals. Broadly in line with that adopted by Gurusblog , with its nuances.

The issue of Government Bonds comes from minute 13:20

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Job Thats Work With Horses

RAI Asnef and Badexcug:

Mireia Quirós, Bankimia companion mortgage department, this week explained the main delinquent listings: Rai, and Badexcug Asnef . Michael says


default files in financial institutions may see the degree of compliance with the obligations of a person , which is why they always go to before granting a loan .

There are several companies specializing in default records, but the most commonly used for the annotation of unpaid individuals are ASNEF and Experian.
  • The ASNEF is the National Association of Financial Institutions serving as the link between credit institutions offering their services in Spain. EQUIFAX IBERICA is the company that handles the treatment File ASNEF . Experian
  • has its database file Badexcug , which contains information about unpaid transactions involving customers with Experian.
  • Unpaid Register of Approvals ( RAI) some years ago was the most commonly used for the registration of non-payment of legal and natural persons, but are unaware of the 2005 only provide high data legal persons . These files
are no data on unpaid operations of business customers that work with ASNEF and Experian. This information is recorded unpaid debt while still in force and other companies can turn to those lists to see if there are defaults or not on a client.

Read full article: Main delinquent listings: Rai, and Badexcug Asnef .

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pinky Big Booty Newest

outstanding records compulsory insurance only mortgage is one: home insurance

The insurance linked to mortgages are one of the topics that generate problems when hiring a mortgage , before, during and after signing a notary. The

mortgage simulator Bankimia have addressed the issue this week.

As a branch manager not be paid based on the quality of its customer banking advice, nor is paid to be a professional in the world of insurance. It sell insurance to make more money from the grant of a mortgage. The advice, to put it in some way, if you give us.

Therefore, the famous phrase " these are the compulsory insurance of the mortgage " is as important as that other one that says that " is illegal to give mortgages above 80% appraisal." Is incorrect, partial or incorrect, depending how you look.

Insurance required by law linked to a mortgage there is only one : the damage insurance regulated by RD 716/2009 . This insurance, known as home insurance, insurance is the only really required when taking out a mortgage. And that does not mean that it is mandatory insurance contract by working with the bank, you can hire another. And

casualty insurance obligation is imposed by the very need for financial institutions to use these loans and mortgages as coverage of mortgage bonds issued by them. Is complicated to explain, but in a nutshell we can say that damage insurance is required for the convenience of their own financial institution (and it is useful to us as well.) Features

Compulsory insurance against damage

  • The amount of insurance contract value corresponds to the insurance purposes contained in the appraisal (not including the ground or the content).
  • The minimum insurance covered risks of damage are: risk of fire (and explosion) and natural elements (storm, natural forces other than the storm, energy nuclear and land subsidence, hail and frost damage).

Why tell us that life insurance is required?

At times we heard that mortgage insurance is mandatory home insurance and life (or payment protection, the valuation or car, among others).
What really tends to happen is that the bank will "invite" to hire a number of products linked if we want to give the mortgage with the terms offered. The legality of such actions is unclear as it seems it is to use a strong position to safe place, rather than sell them.

practice if it is legal and has no doubts of interpretation is reclaiming interest rate based on additional products that we engage with the bank. In writing provides a range of discounts in the differential applied depending on the product or group of products that we hire.

For example, a mortgage euribor + 0,95 can stay in euribor +0.50 if you hire a home insurance, payroll is domiciled and 3 receipts. These reductions are reflected in the mortgage deed.

Am will raise the interest if I pay the insurance?

depends on the type of mortgage contracted:
  • If insurance and other related products were a condition for a but non-subsidized mortgage interest rate (not shown in writing), we can actually remove them all (except damage) once signed writing or a year.
  • If bonuses interest rate for each product that we hire we will raise the interest rate in the next revision of the quota. Therefore, if you fail to purchase insurance will increase the agreed interest rate. numbers must be done to see what suits you best.
The next time a director says it has made insurance contract because it is required, look at it with cautious side and ask: why mandatory ?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Sew Sausage Dog Draft Excluder

negotiate the best mortgage possible for us

comparator in the mortgage Bankimia we tried two very related topics:

  1. How negotiate a mortgage.
  2. Knowing all the options which mortgage fits our profile economic .

Here are some clues to be able to monitor both crucial and be able to recruit the best mortgage our ability to pay and allow us to solvency.

To successfully negotiate a mortgage the first thing to be clear are the steps of foreclosure :
  1. Housing Choice: verification of their real situation, economic and valuation.
  2. Pre-appraisal of the property.
  3. Choosing the best mortgage the market that will suit your needs. Negotiating
  4. with financial institutions on the particular conditions of the mortgage. Tasar
  5. appraisal company with the bank.
  6. Notarization of the deed of sale and the mortgage loan.
Before negotiating with the branch managers must be clear next steps, get all the information prior conveniently as possible and plan our strategy. Good

planning prevent us wasting time and hassles, and increases our chance of success.

Choosing a home not only to find that we like. We apply a simple note updated to check the type of use (residential or tourism, among others), its registration classification (urban, rustic, local), the current owners, the surface pre-recorded or charges (mortgages, liens), among others. A copy of the deed also will be very useful.

Once we are clear that we have chosen a home without tricks, ideally have a recent appraisal of the property or, failing that, request a pre-assessment , the estimated appraised value via on-line or contact any bank or appraiser.

With these data one can go bank for bank to see the conditions of the mortgage market or use a comparator as Bankimia mortgages. Selected mortgages that best suit our preferences and possibilities, is the time to visit the bank branch to negotiate.

Something very important that we change our mental approach: not going to "ask" a mortgage to the bank, we will agree the terms of a very important long term, if successful, benefiting both the bank and us. Therefore, to ask anything. We will negotiate .

We must carry documentation prepared to be delivered to the bank and photocopies of it. Bring many copies as we have pre-selected banks.

should be clear that conditions provides the entity to its best customers and opportunities for us to be included within this privileged segment.

Often the best mortgage announces an entity is not accessible by our profile , either because they do not have enough income, or because we need to fund expenses or for other personal and economic circumstances that take us away from the ideal course for the entity client .

Therefore, the work is twofold: Select
  1. best mortgages available in the market, using tools such as mortgage comparator of Bankimia as visiting the offices of different banks (since there are deals mortgage banking no advertising). Deepening
  2. in each of the mortgages, and whether they suit our economic situation.
try to give some practical tips for choosing the ideal mortgage for us. And for this we must first be clear about our strengths and weaknesses in risk and then know that we can access mortgage.

Strengths and weaknesses in risk

mortgage bank, basically, what you want is predict whether we will refund the money borrowed plus interest on time and without giving any additional work. The points discussed are:

  1. The present amount of our income.
  2. stability of our revenues in the past and how estimated to be in the future.
  3. Our patterns of consumption and investment and savings capacity.
  4. previous credit history.
  5. family and social factors in when possible to provide guarantors, double warranty, or help us if we have payment problems, for example.
  6. subjective factors, such as our personality, professionalism, punctuality, etc.
Here in each case positive and negative scores in risk assessment:
  • Request a mortgage whose share does not exceed 30% of our net income is something that has very much the financial institution. If we are a couple who earns 3,500 euros net per month and request a mortgage whose share does not exceed 1,050 Euros, we should not have problems in this section. The key, however, is that we apply interest rate the bank to make these calculations if we employ a variable rate mortgage.
It is reasonable to take a high value of Euribor, because then we'd know if we can deal with increases in the benchmark. For a mortgage to +075 euirbor take the current Euribor is that we could get a mortgage of about 310,000 euros to 40 years.

If we calculate the share with a high euribor, let's say 5%, with our same salary of 3,500 euros could only go into debt at about 197,000 euros. It is important to make this simulation, because the euribor as low rises, we must never forget.

  • If we have a permanent contract with many years or are officials, a priori profile we are looking for banking. If you have a job or service contract, temporary or self-employed are a few years of contributions, our ability to apply a good mortgage is coming down. In such cases it is likely to request guarantees that we strengthen the operation.
It is still unfortunate to assume that we must change our production model, which passes through empowering entrepreneurs, and these are the plague of banking in general.
  • Many entities we call the current account movements. Apart from not accept regular customers found this information allows our patterns of consumption and investment : how much we spend with the credit card that hire insurance, our level of monthly savings and a long list of useful information for analysis risk. Being a thrifty person who invests your money and spend it are balanced cards input to get the best mortgage that can offer the bank.
  • a family firm as guarantor or as mortgagee debtor not bringing her home as a second security has two positive points for the bank to analyze our case:
  1. ensures you can try to collect from others or have more guarantees unless we pay the mortgage.
  2. means that our family gives us a strong vote of confidence, risking their income and wealth for us.
  • For other subjective factors depend on each director. Some value more certain attitudes of potential clients as punctuality and dependability, and other others. What we should try to convey in our interview is that we are good workers, we understand the importance of recruiting and paying a mortgage and we will not give problems or excessive office work (ie, we are not too demanding on certain things .)
  • The savings we bring to the operation just by determining the chances of obtaining the best mortgage or a less good. Without savings, we have to remember to access the best mortgage market, guarantees unless we bring double (and sometimes not enough). Mortgages over 80% of valuation are more expensive than those that do not touch this limit. Among the
mortgage finance up to 100% , there are competitive rates, but most are more expensive than those that do not exceed 80%.

Depending on our strengths and our weaknesses we negotiate based lending to better or worse.

What we need to be clear is that the best mortgage market offered the best economic profiles, based on what the bank believes it's a good profile (which need not match reality .)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cloudly Urine Celiac Disease

rates debt consolidation companies

The financial intermediaries, mortgage brokers, or misnamed, companies of debt consolidation, are useful agents mortgage market, and recognizes the very Law 2 / 2009 which regulates the financial intermediation and private equity mortgages.

The Mortgage Bankimia have addressed this issue, quite unknown to the general public but of vital importance if one wants to face a process of engaging a mortgage broker with appropriate safeguards.

first thing you should know the potential customer seeking mortgage relief is the type of financial intermediary you need.
definitely recommend for any information on the association also reference in Spain, IDA, which are recorded much of the investment and financial advisers.

What type of credit intermediary hired?

Depending on our funding needs and preferences we must go to one kind or another financial professional:

exclusive agent bank

are natural or legal persons acting on behalf of a financial institution. Basically, it as a bank branch is registered in the Bank of Spain and can only work for a bank.

not charge fees client (the bank pays them) and pick up customers both passive as active. In fact, you can open an account and the branch is the same agent. No are regulated by the Law 2 / 2009 as it is the law which determines bank.

are interesting if we want to work with a financial institution and want a personal adviser . What we have to look for is a trusted agent and appropriate training for our banking needs.

Real Estate and other suppliers of goods

Law 2 / 2009 exempt real estate to meet certain requirements if you just look for mortgage financing for homes that they market.

However, should provide the same information required of financial intermediaries. But they should not enroll in a public register of intermediaries, among other exemptions.

In my view the legislature has been too lenient with developers. I do not understand the reason for not forcing them to meet the same requirements as other intermediaries. In fact, they generally have less training than a mortgage specialist in the field and should meet the same requirements as the rest.

It is always helpful real estate mortgage offer us some of the house sold, but always ask the binding offer of the bank and give us signed by total fees from the sale of the house and the processing of the mortgage.

Multi-agent or financial intermediary

connected Fully regulated by the Law 2 / 2009 are financial intermediaries that have contractual ties with one or more financial institutions.

basically an intermediary has signed partnership contracts with banks and , usually non-exclusive, by which the financial institution pays a percentage of the origination fee charged to the customer.

This multi-agent can not charge fees customer because the bank charges (customer indirectly, in reality, via fee). In the previous information that we have to provide has to be made by the opening that we apply in their operations (may be 2% or higher). We must deliver

three binding offers for us to choose. This obligation has been much discussed, since in many cases there are not three entities to approve the transaction and therefore it is impossible to submit 3 bids. We'll see how is implemented in practice.

are independent financial intermediary firms, without maintaining contractual relationships condition involving credit institutions or companies that market credit or loans, provide independent advice , professional and impartial to those who demand their intervention to obtain a loan or credit.

The amount of the fee must be agreed in a service contract prior to the processing of the mortgage. Only customer charge, not the bank.

are also required to submit 3 binding offers, as well as comply with other provisions of the Act 2 / 2009. Choose

between hiring an agent or multi-independent financial intermediary is certainly complex. In principle depends on the independence and bargaining with the financial institutions have each and the cost, not to mention the key to good handling, which is the professional training.

Factors to consider when choosing a multi-agent or an independent intermediary :
  • Independence: While the end both win if the mortgage is signed, the multi-agent may be tempted to sign with financial institution that gives a greater percentage of the opening committee (other than rebates by volume). The independent broker is paid directly customer, so that their independence is clearer.
  • Negotiation skills: the multi-agent may have more bargaining power with their institutions to channel more mortgages to the banks themselves. In contrast, an independent broker can access many more financial institutions (in principle). Cost
  • : the multi-agent charges a percentage fee, usually. The independent broker a fixed fee. Comparing costs is simple in this case. Cetera paribus, we would choose the cheapest. Training
  • : a professional financial intermediation should be required experience in the academic sector and, among other verifiable training. Sometimes it is worth paying a little more for our debt consolidation , mortgage to buy a home or subrogation processed us a real mortgage expert .

When we go to apply for a mortgage we must be clear that it is a vital financial decision.

should not sign the first mortgage that gives us our usual director nor hire any financial intermediary.

must be given the importance a mortgage and this takes time and effort.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Build A Podium Inside

floors Fotocasa banks: the system is unfair

As head of the department of Bankimia mortgages have had the opportunity to give my opinion on Fotocasa seized on the floors.

That the auction system is not transparent and flexible as it should and that the bank may be the home for 50% of its value and debt continue to demand that the house has lost two key points that the public should require politicians to change. Because if we are not all that we demand, little or no change, I fear.

I leave you with an excerpt from the article, which can read full Fotocasa News:

In recent years, the number of foreclosures has been increasing since 2007, the first year of the crisis, when there were 25,943. This number doubled the following year up to 58,686 and increased again up to 93,319 foreclosures in 2009.

The foreclosure process begins when the customer stop paying your mortgage fees. Using three defaults (sometimes wait longer) the financial institution sends the case to a law office, where he began the procedure.
"If residence is a default situation and is given with an interval of five years, the customer may pay the amount of the arrears plus interest for late payment until moments before the bank auctioned the house, "explains responsible for the mortgage department of Bankimia Pau A. Montserrat. However, in his opinion, "the auctions often remain empty because they are opaque processes operated as a mere formality which the law requires."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Suppressor Rifle Construction

Bankimia answer your mortgage questions Fotocasa

In have launched the 'The expert answered, "a new way to answer your questions on different topics related to housing.

week that we Bankimia, comparator mortgage leader, has served as an expert in mortgages, answering over 150 questions about mortgage issues , from payment in kind to the terms of soil, Euribor or problems to have a mortgage and separated.

Answers to questions about ground clauses, debt consolidation, mortgage renegotiation, revision of the interest deduction for first homes, foreclosed .

Answers to questions about current market mortgage mortgage subrogation, lieu of payment for a promoter, mortgages after 60 years, fixed fees and variable mortgages, mortgages with clauses floor, ceiling, swap, mortgage yen cancellation of mortgages.

Answers to questions about multi-currency mortgages, renewal and related expenses, rent to own, mortgage bridge, the best time to buy, mortgage rustic houses, reduce or reduce fees .

And many more which can be accessed from the link Answers to your questions on mortgages of .

As I say, the synergy of Bankimia Fotocasa and help the internet user to " find the best mortgage to buy the best floor.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Streaming In The Loop

apply for a mortgage at a young age: Mission Impossible

In Bankimia, Compare mortgages, we have addressed the options available to young for independence by buying a house with mortgage financing. I advance that they are increasingly becoming more difficult to have a property owned.

The core business of banking is take deposits from savers and channel for funding (investment and consumption).

Therefore it is safe to say that young banks are required to understand. Another thing is that the relationship is bidirectional or become a " want and can not" when talking about mortgages for young .

The economic situation is shining with special virulence in the group of young, with unemployment well above the average, low wages and precarious contracts. Higher probability of becoming unemployed, inadequate and unstable income make it difficult for many couples meet the requirements mortgage lending financial institutions:
  • Employment status of the applicant. The bank requires a broad working life, with little downtime and with a permanent contract several years ago.
  • borrowing capacity, financial institutions that the maximum fee that a client can pay can not exceed 30 or 40% of the monthly income of mortgage applicants. Savings
  • to contribute to pay expenses and others. Fewer and fewer mortgages to finance 100%.
  • The possibility of providing double guarantees and guarantors . A mortgage with other properties that can be mortgaged and with the support of the family is much more likely to be approved as one in which only two mortgage holders.
  • The family stability. Young couples buying is more likely to break than the consolidated, with the problems of mortgage payment that separation brings.

difficulties of young people to access a mortgage

If particularize general risk criteria of the young group banking is not very difficult to identify the difficulties he has a mortgage loan:
  • short working life, with limited access to permanent jobs and possible periods of unemployment. The perfect combination to be told no.
  • limited borrowing capacity. Two owners mileuristas without savings could best apply for a mortgage of about 180,000 euros to 40 years (to buy a home of no more than 160,000 euros).
  • The savings capacity of young English conspicuous by its absence in general. Traditionally
  • guarantee parents their children so they can apply for a loan. The problem is that more and more debt or unemployed parents. And with this little use of guarantors. The
  • couples are becoming less stable , and young couples have a higher incidence of rupture.
Of all the above problems can be solved only in certain cases, is to provide guarantors since there subsidized mortgages for certain Autonomous younger age group in which the Administration supports a part, the problem is that often no interest to financial institutions signing this type of mortgage products and not sold actively, so sometimes almost have to "force them" to offer. The

rent should be a baseline option, but the mentality Hispanic buying and renting low culture not conducive to a competitive rental market and attractive. An interesting option is the contract of leasing purchase, allowing us to pay rent while saving for later exercise the option and apply for a mortgage with higher chances of success.

Young people are most harmed by the crisis , both unemployment and access to housing. When financial institutions suffer from lack of liquidity and selected more to your customers, under 30 see their prospects of living in a home fade. One of the many problems that our economy does suffer in the least to blame for their current situation.

Low Creatinine In Sle

Twitter and actresses: Carolina @ acapipola

I admit that the post is just an excuse to enjoy the beauty of Carolina Bang @ acapipola again.

But beyond their physical beauty and her acting ability, what I want to stress is something that I discussed with Santiago Segura @ SSantiagosegura : Twitter allows direct communication , immediate and privileged with characters that would otherwise be impossible to connect.

It gives me pleasure to say that Carolina Bang understands the channel. A message by highlighting her beauty (simple-minded as the writer), answered with a simple, expressive and sincere: Thanks.

not need more, but bother answer to those who follow shows that not using Twitter as a simple showcase . And this is a lot.

Thanks Carolina!

Exercise Herpes Outbreak

Bang or a couple Palma de Mallorca mileuristas can buy a house of 67 m2

transcribe a press release Fotocasa , the calculation of the maximum mortgage that can be accessed two mileuristas savings of 10,000 euros each has been calculated by mortgage department Bankimia of which I am responsible.

In the city of Palma de Mallorca , a couple of mileuristas access to a house of 67 m2 , according to an analysis by This couple, whose monthly income is 2,000 euros in total, you can buy a flat of this size taking into account the average price of second hand property for sale in Palma de Mallorca, € 2,298 / m2 in March .

In terms of national data , the English media have access to a floor of 69 m2 , as the Real Estate Index puts the average house price in Spain in March at € 2,230 / m2.

to get the maximum area which can choose a pair of mileuristas, analysis considered baseline figure the value of the average house price in March, according to Real Estate Index prepared by the IESE business school . On the other hand, for the calculation of the average mortgage has collaboration Compare mortgages Bankimia that takes into account a 2.5% Euribor plus 0.75% rate applicable interest, giving rise to a maximum of 154,440 euros, payable in 27 years in monthly payments of 700 euros per month, corresponding to 35% of revenues, the maximum rate debt recommended by experts Bankimia.

in 2008 could only buy a flat of 59 m2

According data obtained in 2008, a couple of mileuristas could only buy a house of 59 m2 in the city of Palma de Mallorca as the Euribor at that time was above 4%. In addition, the total value of the mortgage could not reach more than 148,000 euros, payable in monthly installments of 840 euros for 30 years. For this calculation was taken as reference the average value of second-hand housing in Palma de Mallorca was of 2,495 € / m2.

By contrast, a year later, when the Euribor fell to 1.2% and housing prices continued to fall to € 2,279 / m2, this sector of the population could 111m2 purchase a home whose mortgage would have a value of 252,000 euros. The

mileuristas in other English cities

In the city of Madrid , a couple of mileuristas can buy a home of 45 m2 as the average value of second hand property is in March € 3437 / m2. For its part, Barcelona this same couple can buy a flat of 39 m2 , according to data analysis as the average value of second hand property is at € 3,959 / m2 in March . On the other hand, in the city of Valencia , when the average price much lower than in the provinces before mentioned, € 2,134 / m2, a couple of mileuristas can buy a flat 72 m2 .

The English provincial capital in which a pair of mileuristas can purchase the larger home, taking into account the parameters within which the study is based is Huelva, as the average house price Second-hand in March was 1,720 € / m2 and, therefore, could buy a house of 90 m2 . He closely follows the city of Lleida, where the square meter is at 1,780 euros, allowing them to buy a house of 87 m2. On the opposite side, the Basque city of Sebastian an S shows in March, higher prices of second-hand housing causing a couple of mileuristas can only buy a house of 29 m2 , taking into account the data on which is based in their study.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How To Become Sponsored By Monster

Is there something to do if we stay on strike and we have a mortgage?

In Bankimia we talked about some tips for the person who is unemployed and has to continue paying your mortgage . There are no miracle solutions, but the patience, hope and imagination should be our best weapon in these difficult times.

However there are some things that you have lost your job you can do, we must not fall into the paralysis caused by anxiety. All problem should be seen as a challenge if we have a chance to fix it.
Being unemployed means, in the best case, less money enter each month. At worst, when you have no right to benefits, fail to enter any money. When a company falling revenue, it has two ways to balance their finances:
  • Increase revenue, seeking alternative routes.
  • Reduce costs.
The same happens when a family is a job-to look for new revenue and reduce costs. Reduce costs

The day you are laid off is traumatic for most people. Forget the guilt and despair are not guilty or victim. Things have gone wrong, and these things happen to us all. What you have to do is act.

recommend is first thing in the office bank where we have the mortgage. The financial institution does not want to keep your home, you want to collect the loan principal and interest thereon. And that means we must face the negotiation not as an enemy but one affected by the situation. Let us be frank with the director, expliquémosle our situation and how we deal with these moments.

main thing is we know we want to convey pay, which we will try to do it and we seek a short-term bank helps to meet our mortgage.

The financial institution can offer different alternatives :
  1. A lack of capital , going to pay interest only for a while. A fee for a normal mortgage of 200,000 euros to 30 years would be about 812 euros . The lack quota of 452 euros . Considerable savings to the bank is not too hard, since all it does is not to collect the outstanding debt for a while.
  2. Lengthen the term of the loan mortgage, if there is room. A mortgage of 200,000 euros to 30 years is 812 euros per month, if it drags on for 40 years, the fee goes to 683 euros . The downside of this solution is that we pay much more interest, but solves our problem in the short term.
  3. option lower interest we pay we can almost certainly rule. The bank does not lower the interest rate on a mortgage transaction except very few cases. But perhaps a temporary bonus if they can be negotiated. He does not already have it. Consider a subrogation mortgage in unemployment is still very difficult, unless we have guarantees and warranties double to contribute. Think
state aid as the famous and deceased ICO Mortgage Moratorium for the unemployed is a dead end, unfortunately. Anyway, it's useful to go to our council to be informed of all available aid for our case. Increase revenue

addition to trying to negotiate a monthly fee to pay less and minimize our running costs, look for alternative sources of income while trying to solve the largest (find a new job). Imagination is the best weapon.

One option is to order a short-term loan friends, family or the bank itself . It is preferable that our families help us with the commitment on our part to repay the aid received when our labor situation allows. Before visiting a friend there to make the effort to overcome the pride and ask our relatives. It is in these moments when the family has to be noted. If you can not be, the second way are our friends.

say who gives money to a lost friend and the friend money. But should we not ask what kind of friend thinks well of us to correct our circle of companies? Request

personal loan to the bank to which we owe the mortgage is the last option, but should be studied calm. Can short-term solutions and make it worse situation later. Renting rooms

is another alternative to consider. While we carefully choose our roommates, sharing a house for extra income is not a bad idea.

And do not close the possibility of selling the house . It's much better to sell cheap our home not pay the mortgage and the bank can allocate the 50% rating and still owe money for life.

regret that the repertoire of solutions to financially survive the strike is very limited. Surely you it think of other equally good or better. The important thing is that we must find and not fall into despair . Being unemployed is something that sooner or later it happens to everyone. Falling hurts, but nothing is as rewarding for you as up.

Those who understand Catalan invite you to listen to an interview we did on this same subject in Mallorca RTV

20110405 mortgage Atur Bankimia RTVMallorca by pau-a -Montserrat

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pellet Trap Plans Free

The Congress Financial Awards 2011 and have come to stand

My good friend and entrepreneur Aitor del Valle is preparing the second edition of the great Congress Financial.

In his own words:

In this second edition of the Congress, as already announced in the first delivery will CONGRESS FINANCIAL AWARDS 2011. Some awards aimed to recognize outstanding projects and people in the financial year.

There are two categories:

CORPORATE AWARD: referring to the scope of companies and entrepreneurs
INVESTORS AWARD: referring to the scope of investors and advisors

Websites can be both, tools and financial applications, personalities (known or more anonymous), all initiatives (outreach, supportive, etc ...)

Our desire is that this process is an important online participation and at least half of the applications will be evaluated by the jury were generated through proposals and voting on line.

Thus the selection process is as follows:

  1. In the reception of applications is also open stage initial receipt of applications online (via the link below ) that may be voting as they are being discharged. Therefore: vote online through this link .
  2. be presented to the jury for the finals a total of 10 nominations, of which at least half (5) are the most voted candidates online. Failure
  3. Award: The Jury shall elect from among the 10 nominations for the winner / a.
  4. will be awarded for each prize at the end of each day.

I invite visitors and bloggers to submit their nominations and if you feel like a vote on the nomination of future financial and Bankimia .

must connect with a Facebook account or a Twitter to vote .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Miscarriage In Fouth Week Of Pregnancy

Guide with a mortgage in Bankimia

The mortgage simulator Bankimia have tried to give some clues to the people who have been unemployed and facing the weight is a mortgage.

The unemployment is a scourge that strikes unexpectedly families and merciless. If you join this economic misfortune to have to cope with the monthly cost is the share of our loan mortgage on an income significantly diminished, the equation has no easy solution.

is not our intention to give nostrums, because unfortunately there are none. But there are some things you have lost your job can be done, we must not fall into paralysis caused by anxiety. All problem should be seen as a challenge if we have a chance to fix it.

Being unemployed means, at best, less money enter each month. At worst, when you have no right to benefits, fail to enter any money. When a company falling revenue, it has two ways to balance Their Finances
  • Increase revenue, seeking alternative routes.
  • Reduce costs.
The same happens when a family is a job-to look for new revenue and reduce costs. Reduce costs

The day you are laid off is traumatic for most people. Forget the guilt and despair are not guilty or victim. Things have gone wrong, and these things happen to us all. What you have to do is act.
The first thing is recommend going to the bank office where we have the mortgage . The financial institution does not want to keep your home wants to collect the loan principal and interest thereon. And that means we must face the negotiation not as an enemy but one affected by the situation. Let us be frank with the director, expliquémosle our situation and how we deal with these moments.
main thing is we know convey that we want to pay, which we will try to do it and we seek a short-term bank helps to meet our mortgage.
The financial institution can offer different alternatives :

  1. A lack of capital , going to pay interest only for a while. A fee for a normal mortgage of 200,000 euros to 30 years would be about 812 euros . The lack quota of 452 euros . Considerable savings to the bank is not too hard, since all it does is not to collect the outstanding debt for a while.
  2. Lengthen the term of the mortgage loan, if there is room. A mortgage of 200,000 euros to 30 years is 812 euros per month, if it drags on for 40 years, the fee goes to 683 euros . The downside of this solution is that we pay much more interest, but solves our problem in the short term.
  3. option lower interest we pay we can almost certainly rule. The bank does not lower the interest rate on a mortgage transaction except very few cases. But perhaps a temporary bonus if they can be negotiated. He does not already have it. Consider a subrogation mortgage being on the dole is very difficult, unless we have guarantees and warranties double to contribute. Think
state aid as the famous and deceased ICO Mortgage Moratorium for the unemployed is a dead end, unfortunately. Anyway, it's useful to go to our council to be informed of all available aid for our case.

Increase revenue

addition to trying to negotiate fee monthly pay less and minimize our running costs, look for alternative sources of income while trying to solve the largest (find a new job). Imagination is the best weapon.

One option is to order a short-term loan friends, family or the bank itself . It is preferable that our families help us with the commitment on our part to repay the aid received when our labor situation allows. Before visiting a friend there to make the effort to overcome the pride and ask our relatives. It is in these moments when the family has to be noted. If you can not be, the second way are our friends.

say who gives money to a lost friend and the friend money. But should we not ask what kind of friend thinks well of us to correct our circle of companies? Request

personal loan to the bank to which we owe the mortgage is the last option, but should be studied calm. Can short-term solutions and make it worse situation later. Renting rooms

is another alternative to consider. While we carefully choose our roommates, sharing a house for extra income is not a bad idea.
And there is the possibility to close of sell the house. It's much better to sell cheap our home not pay the mortgage and the bank can allocate the 50% rating and still owe money for life.

regret that the repertoire of solutions to financially survive the strike is very limited. Surely ye are to think of other equally good or better. The important thing is that we must find and not fall into despair . Being unemployed is something that sooner or later it happens to everyone. Falling hurts, but nothing is as rewarding for you as up.

Article published in the 22/03/2011 Fotocasa.