Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Sew Sausage Dog Draft Excluder

negotiate the best mortgage possible for us

comparator in the mortgage Bankimia we tried two very related topics:

  1. How negotiate a mortgage.
  2. Knowing all the options which mortgage fits our profile economic .

Here are some clues to be able to monitor both crucial and be able to recruit the best mortgage our ability to pay and allow us to solvency.

To successfully negotiate a mortgage the first thing to be clear are the steps of foreclosure :
  1. Housing Choice: verification of their real situation, economic and valuation.
  2. Pre-appraisal of the property.
  3. Choosing the best mortgage the market that will suit your needs. Negotiating
  4. with financial institutions on the particular conditions of the mortgage. Tasar
  5. appraisal company with the bank.
  6. Notarization of the deed of sale and the mortgage loan.
Before negotiating with the branch managers must be clear next steps, get all the information prior conveniently as possible and plan our strategy. Good

planning prevent us wasting time and hassles, and increases our chance of success.

Choosing a home not only to find that we like. We apply a simple note updated to check the type of use (residential or tourism, among others), its registration classification (urban, rustic, local), the current owners, the surface pre-recorded or charges (mortgages, liens), among others. A copy of the deed also will be very useful.

Once we are clear that we have chosen a home without tricks, ideally have a recent appraisal of the property or, failing that, request a pre-assessment , the estimated appraised value via on-line or contact any bank or appraiser.

With these data one can go bank for bank to see the conditions of the mortgage market or use a comparator as Bankimia mortgages. Selected mortgages that best suit our preferences and possibilities, is the time to visit the bank branch to negotiate.

Something very important that we change our mental approach: not going to "ask" a mortgage to the bank, we will agree the terms of a very important long term, if successful, benefiting both the bank and us. Therefore, to ask anything. We will negotiate .

We must carry documentation prepared to be delivered to the bank and photocopies of it. Bring many copies as we have pre-selected banks.

should be clear that conditions provides the entity to its best customers and opportunities for us to be included within this privileged segment.

Often the best mortgage announces an entity is not accessible by our profile , either because they do not have enough income, or because we need to fund expenses or for other personal and economic circumstances that take us away from the ideal course for the entity client .

Therefore, the work is twofold: Select
  1. best mortgages available in the market, using tools such as mortgage comparator of Bankimia as visiting the offices of different banks (since there are deals mortgage banking no advertising). Deepening
  2. in each of the mortgages, and whether they suit our economic situation.
try to give some practical tips for choosing the ideal mortgage for us. And for this we must first be clear about our strengths and weaknesses in risk and then know that we can access mortgage.

Strengths and weaknesses in risk

mortgage bank, basically, what you want is predict whether we will refund the money borrowed plus interest on time and without giving any additional work. The points discussed are:

  1. The present amount of our income.
  2. stability of our revenues in the past and how estimated to be in the future.
  3. Our patterns of consumption and investment and savings capacity.
  4. previous credit history.
  5. family and social factors in when possible to provide guarantors, double warranty, or help us if we have payment problems, for example.
  6. subjective factors, such as our personality, professionalism, punctuality, etc.
Here in each case positive and negative scores in risk assessment:
  • Request a mortgage whose share does not exceed 30% of our net income is something that has very much the financial institution. If we are a couple who earns 3,500 euros net per month and request a mortgage whose share does not exceed 1,050 Euros, we should not have problems in this section. The key, however, is that we apply interest rate the bank to make these calculations if we employ a variable rate mortgage.
It is reasonable to take a high value of Euribor, because then we'd know if we can deal with increases in the benchmark. For a mortgage to +075 euirbor take the current Euribor is that we could get a mortgage of about 310,000 euros to 40 years.

If we calculate the share with a high euribor, let's say 5%, with our same salary of 3,500 euros could only go into debt at about 197,000 euros. It is important to make this simulation, because the euribor as low rises, we must never forget.

  • If we have a permanent contract with many years or are officials, a priori profile we are looking for banking. If you have a job or service contract, temporary or self-employed are a few years of contributions, our ability to apply a good mortgage is coming down. In such cases it is likely to request guarantees that we strengthen the operation.
It is still unfortunate to assume that we must change our production model, which passes through empowering entrepreneurs, and these are the plague of banking in general.
  • Many entities we call the current account movements. Apart from not accept regular customers found this information allows our patterns of consumption and investment : how much we spend with the credit card that hire insurance, our level of monthly savings and a long list of useful information for analysis risk. Being a thrifty person who invests your money and spend it are balanced cards input to get the best mortgage that can offer the bank.
  • a family firm as guarantor or as mortgagee debtor not bringing her home as a second security has two positive points for the bank to analyze our case:
  1. ensures you can try to collect from others or have more guarantees unless we pay the mortgage.
  2. means that our family gives us a strong vote of confidence, risking their income and wealth for us.
  • For other subjective factors depend on each director. Some value more certain attitudes of potential clients as punctuality and dependability, and other others. What we should try to convey in our interview is that we are good workers, we understand the importance of recruiting and paying a mortgage and we will not give problems or excessive office work (ie, we are not too demanding on certain things .)
  • The savings we bring to the operation just by determining the chances of obtaining the best mortgage or a less good. Without savings, we have to remember to access the best mortgage market, guarantees unless we bring double (and sometimes not enough). Mortgages over 80% of valuation are more expensive than those that do not touch this limit. Among the
mortgage finance up to 100% , there are competitive rates, but most are more expensive than those that do not exceed 80%.

Depending on our strengths and our weaknesses we negotiate based lending to better or worse.

What we need to be clear is that the best mortgage market offered the best economic profiles, based on what the bank believes it's a good profile (which need not match reality .)


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