Saturday, April 16, 2011

Build A Podium Inside

floors Fotocasa banks: the system is unfair

As head of the department of Bankimia mortgages have had the opportunity to give my opinion on Fotocasa seized on the floors.

That the auction system is not transparent and flexible as it should and that the bank may be the home for 50% of its value and debt continue to demand that the house has lost two key points that the public should require politicians to change. Because if we are not all that we demand, little or no change, I fear.

I leave you with an excerpt from the article, which can read full Fotocasa News:

In recent years, the number of foreclosures has been increasing since 2007, the first year of the crisis, when there were 25,943. This number doubled the following year up to 58,686 and increased again up to 93,319 foreclosures in 2009.

The foreclosure process begins when the customer stop paying your mortgage fees. Using three defaults (sometimes wait longer) the financial institution sends the case to a law office, where he began the procedure.
"If residence is a default situation and is given with an interval of five years, the customer may pay the amount of the arrears plus interest for late payment until moments before the bank auctioned the house, "explains responsible for the mortgage department of Bankimia Pau A. Montserrat. However, in his opinion, "the auctions often remain empty because they are opaque processes operated as a mere formality which the law requires."


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