Saturday, April 2, 2011

Miscarriage In Fouth Week Of Pregnancy

Guide with a mortgage in Bankimia

The mortgage simulator Bankimia have tried to give some clues to the people who have been unemployed and facing the weight is a mortgage.

The unemployment is a scourge that strikes unexpectedly families and merciless. If you join this economic misfortune to have to cope with the monthly cost is the share of our loan mortgage on an income significantly diminished, the equation has no easy solution.

is not our intention to give nostrums, because unfortunately there are none. But there are some things you have lost your job can be done, we must not fall into paralysis caused by anxiety. All problem should be seen as a challenge if we have a chance to fix it.

Being unemployed means, at best, less money enter each month. At worst, when you have no right to benefits, fail to enter any money. When a company falling revenue, it has two ways to balance Their Finances
  • Increase revenue, seeking alternative routes.
  • Reduce costs.
The same happens when a family is a job-to look for new revenue and reduce costs. Reduce costs

The day you are laid off is traumatic for most people. Forget the guilt and despair are not guilty or victim. Things have gone wrong, and these things happen to us all. What you have to do is act.
The first thing is recommend going to the bank office where we have the mortgage . The financial institution does not want to keep your home wants to collect the loan principal and interest thereon. And that means we must face the negotiation not as an enemy but one affected by the situation. Let us be frank with the director, expliquémosle our situation and how we deal with these moments.
main thing is we know convey that we want to pay, which we will try to do it and we seek a short-term bank helps to meet our mortgage.
The financial institution can offer different alternatives :

  1. A lack of capital , going to pay interest only for a while. A fee for a normal mortgage of 200,000 euros to 30 years would be about 812 euros . The lack quota of 452 euros . Considerable savings to the bank is not too hard, since all it does is not to collect the outstanding debt for a while.
  2. Lengthen the term of the mortgage loan, if there is room. A mortgage of 200,000 euros to 30 years is 812 euros per month, if it drags on for 40 years, the fee goes to 683 euros . The downside of this solution is that we pay much more interest, but solves our problem in the short term.
  3. option lower interest we pay we can almost certainly rule. The bank does not lower the interest rate on a mortgage transaction except very few cases. But perhaps a temporary bonus if they can be negotiated. He does not already have it. Consider a subrogation mortgage being on the dole is very difficult, unless we have guarantees and warranties double to contribute. Think
state aid as the famous and deceased ICO Mortgage Moratorium for the unemployed is a dead end, unfortunately. Anyway, it's useful to go to our council to be informed of all available aid for our case.

Increase revenue

addition to trying to negotiate fee monthly pay less and minimize our running costs, look for alternative sources of income while trying to solve the largest (find a new job). Imagination is the best weapon.

One option is to order a short-term loan friends, family or the bank itself . It is preferable that our families help us with the commitment on our part to repay the aid received when our labor situation allows. Before visiting a friend there to make the effort to overcome the pride and ask our relatives. It is in these moments when the family has to be noted. If you can not be, the second way are our friends.

say who gives money to a lost friend and the friend money. But should we not ask what kind of friend thinks well of us to correct our circle of companies? Request

personal loan to the bank to which we owe the mortgage is the last option, but should be studied calm. Can short-term solutions and make it worse situation later. Renting rooms

is another alternative to consider. While we carefully choose our roommates, sharing a house for extra income is not a bad idea.
And there is the possibility to close of sell the house. It's much better to sell cheap our home not pay the mortgage and the bank can allocate the 50% rating and still owe money for life.

regret that the repertoire of solutions to financially survive the strike is very limited. Surely ye are to think of other equally good or better. The important thing is that we must find and not fall into despair . Being unemployed is something that sooner or later it happens to everyone. Falling hurts, but nothing is as rewarding for you as up.

Article published in the 22/03/2011 Fotocasa.


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