Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Does Tap Nose Twice Mean

Pilates is good for hypertension?

As we discussed yesterday, the exercise to hypertension is a somewhat delicate issue, although very positive if done with proper prescription. Force movements in certain positions and, above all, isometric contractions can trigger blood pressure to levels downright risky.

What is an isometric contraction? To understand, is when you do not move force (or shortening or muscle lengthening). For example, if you push a wall without moving, you are making an effort and you do not get a lot and move the wall ... it makes a static contraction. This is just a contraction isometric.

Pilates and calisthenics formerly, is based on many of these contractions in equilibrium to activate the deep muscles (trasverso abdominal, pelvic floor, etc..) As a stabilizer in balance movements. What happens when a hypertensive patient with these exercises?

I refer to a study published in Buenos Aires for Easter, Andres, Donato, Martin, Borrego, Carlos; Gabay, Jose; Berrocal, Daniel J. Gelpi, Ricardo; Grinfeld, Liliana regarding the "Assessment of diastolic function during and post-isometric exercise in patients with hypertension" so titled.

is known Patients with ventricular hypertrophy due to hypertension diastolic alterations, particularly during exercise. However, it is controversial whether this dysfunction after stress is normalized.

The objective was to assess diastolic function during and after completion of exercise in patients with hypertension. Controls were studied 6 patients (group 1, G1) and 7 patients with hypertension (Group 2, G2).

Patients underwent a cardiac catheterization and performed isometric exercise during the study, until the heart rate increased to 43 with a margin of 7% (p <0.05),>

We measured left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and calculated the maximum rate of pressure rise (+ dP / dtmax), the decay time constant of ventricular pressure tau, the time it takes the pressure drop up to 50% of its value at the time of -dP/dtmáx (t1 / 2 ms).

The LVSP increased during exercise from 140 to 195 or so more or least 14 mm Hg (p <0.05)>

The tau and t1 / 2 were increased in G2 during exercise , from a value of 23 plus or minus 2 and 15 more msec or less to 35 with a margin of 7 to 23 about 4 msec, respectively. After exercise, both variables remained elevated compared to baseline, reaching 41 plus or minus 6 msec (p <0.05)>

isometric exercise decreases relaxation rate and increases LVEDP in patients with hypertension and hypertrophy left ventricle. After exercise relaxation remained impaired, though the rest of hemodynamic parameters returned to baseline, suggesting the presence of myocardial stunning (AU) Now we will see in the following table according to age and sex which can be understood as hypertension and how we will consider scales of risk.

16 to 18 years: 145 and 140 respectively in boys and girls and 90 as maximum and minimum.

19 to 24 years: 150 and 140 respectively in boys and girls as a top 95 and 90 as minimum.

25 to 29 years: 150 and 140 respectively in boys and girls as the highest and 96 and 92 as minimum.

30 to 39 years: 160 and 150 respectively in boys and girls as a top 100 and 98 as minimum.

40 to 49 years: 170 and 165 respectively in boys and girls and 104 as maximum and minimum.

50 in Forward: From 180 in both cases as 110 as maximum and minimum.

Therefore: At such high levels of blood pressure can lead to strokes, thrombosis or myocardial infarction, a practice becoming really dangerous, so we strongly recommend that you take regularly the voltage if you think you can get into this group and fitness exercises, weight lifting and pilates.
More Evaluation of diastolic function during and post-isometric exercise in patients with hypertension

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raven Riley Fotoğrafları

What is a blog .. text taken from wikipedia

A blog, or English is also a blog is a regularly updated website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recent appearing first, where the author always retains the freedom to stop creating relevant published. The term blog comes from the words web and log ('log' in English = daily). The term blog, referring to the old logbooks of ships, is used when the author writes about his own life like a diary, but published online on the internet.

I invite you to see how to create a blog: XXXXXXXXXX

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Long Can Potato Soup Sit Out

What Has In Common With The Wall Street Journal Google Adwords?

[Date: October 16, 2007 - 10:48 AM]
For those who do not have a subscription recent electronic version of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) or does not advertise in North America, know that the Journal includes listings for new subscribers using Google AdWords.

However, this is not the focus of this article.

Let's talk about the sales letter mailed to the WSJ and sold millions of subscriptions. They sent annually about 30 million copies of this letter.

The two-page letter begins well:

"Dear reader,

On a beautiful late spring afternoon 25 years ago, two young men were trained in the same school.
were two very similar people.

Both had been better students than the average students, both had a great personality and - as is usually the newly formed youth - both were filled with ambitious dreams for the future.

Recently, these men returned to their school, for its twenty-fifth session of training ... "

continued course after telling one of them was supersuccessful because I had read all those years, day by day the WSJ.

This letter sold millions of subscriptions for 28 years, unchanged. Was. No changes in the text for 28 years! And not because they have been tempted.
Top editors had tried to write something better, since the letter was first written.

No one had been successful until recently.

One editor called Mal Decker wrote a new letter to the original beat (the Conroy's two-page letter) and, in a second test, the response increased in Twenty-four percent!

This is important because now the WSJ gets 24% more sales hundredth sen spend more.

The lesson is clear, here. In advertising, propaganda, the text -
choice of words - is critical.

But ... that has to do all that with Google AdWords? For

lot. Lot.

AdWords works much like direct mail. If you beat your current notice (ie: if you write a better notice), in the same way that Mal Decker won the original letter of WJS, something amazing happens: actually pay less for your Adwords clicks and get more visitors! See

now an example from the Brazilian Campaign ads with Google AdWords: -----------------------------

Chopeira. Só uma brand.
COLDMIX. O Model: Chopp King
Já! 12 xs / juros na / Chopeira

Results: 8 Clicks - CTR 0.08%

Chopeira?. Só uma brand.
COLDMIX. O Model: Chopp King
Já! 12 xs / juros na / Chopeira

Results: 27 Clicks - CTR 2.00% -------------------

----------------- Note: the difference is just a "?" and 25% higher CTR. (Clicks)

You know, what that means in its budget
campaign with Google AdWords!

# # # Author: Jorge Aldrovandi

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I Mate Jamin Battery Problems

all want to always pay less per click on Google AdWords, seek, read, investigate, ask in forums which are those techniques and tricks that AdWords Jinn used to destroy other competitors in the same word.

I then I realize when I have a competitor who knows how AdWords work, I notice it because I know the way it presents its listing, like looking for what people are looking to sit at your computer searching for relevant information according to your query .

What is Relevance?

is the degree of affinity of a page including a list of search results with the subject or information sought by a navigator.

A client once told me, Carlos Andrés Google manipulates search results to AdWords users because they pay out in the first place?

My response was, Google allows anyone to turn any word with its respective owner and is sure to display ads that result in the first 15 minutes of activity (for other countries may take up to 4 hours of publication), but if your ad word and landing page is not relevant, Google can do the following:

1. Your level of quality shows your word on OK, or Low.
2. Start off the words and demands you pay dearly for Click to activate.
3. Not approve your ad and will never be published until you check the AWE.

Yesterday I called a client of Argentina and was wondering why your ads were not running, took 3 weeks and your ad is not showing. I said that surely is under review by the editors of Google.

algorithm runs your Google AdWords campaign within seconds, reviewing the words, ads and landing page when finishing the campaign settings, this happens in milliseconds. If the algorithm detects that do not meet the relevant characteristics we required to show your ad, it is frozen and goes to a queue expected and a human (publishers and Google ads supervisors) should review and decide whether to approve your ad.

When the algorithm rejects it, can take up to 1 week or 2 to achieve a publisher check your AdWords ad, and that's where you start to lose time waiting for you to approve it, and it happens that you're not being relevant.

Note: If your ad is frozen (24 hours) in this way, you have to do to quickly review what you are writing an email to Google AdWords, reporting that your ad is not yet on the results, and they him out of the queue for revisartelo immediately, if it will approve it, or else you'll see in your control panel rejected the ad.

Rejected Ads: You must edit it and find its relevance, and begin the process again. Most of the time back to stay in queue for an editor will review it again.

For you to be effective with Google AdWords, you should always seek relevance, find that your words and ads as relevant as possible and pay much less. Relevance +

Pay less per click = Qualified Traffic

Carlos Andrés Gallego
Google AdWords Consultant USA

Monday, August 6, 2007

Powdered Waxtreadmills

Growth hormone (

remember that although you see no updates right in this section, belongs to health and fitness blog Fitness Liébana Santi, which in turn constantly updated both in content and in . In fact, we leave with the last post of Viton: Growth Hormone.

growth hormone (hGH or somatotropin) is one of the most commonly used substances, both naturally secreted (favoring by training, rest and diet) as exogenously taken (by injection) since its high in some most important mechanisms of human metabolism. In fact, Growth Hormone-is considered the biggest and best lipolytic, among others.

Growth Hormone (hGH) is secreted by the pituitary (gland in the brain) and is a hormone made by different sugars (carbohydrates) and proteins and their function is essentially on two fronts: Growth teijdos by nitrogen retention and amino acids in them and metabolic function (glucose and helps inhibit fat intake). Is stimulated mainly to heavy physical exertion and through rest.

How useful is in the world of sports?

Several current
say that hGH is much better and more effective than any anabolic steroid at the time of improving body composition (more muscle and less fat), optimizing performance and much more physical effort. In addition, it is harder to detect than steroids appointed.

On the other hand, the action recuperating after musculoskeletal injuries makes growth hormone which is essential in many sports competition (rumored to be widely used in the elite world of football), although there are very clarifying studies to measure with some accuracy the better brands in other sports.

visible side effects of hGH abuse are acromegaly (excessive lengthening of some bones such as the jaw, head, feet and hands), cardiovascular disease and excess fat in the skin. Via

Fundación Miguel Indurain

Saturday, June 30, 2007

How To Add Weight To Cheekbones

This will give you a few simple steps to follow a very simple and effective on how to promote your business ..

1) - Enter here: XXXXXXXXXX

2) - On page that opens, enter where it says subscribe

now 4) You will see that a form which you fill with your data:

For: SERVICES ASSIGNED: Customer unfold

Distributor For: TYPE: unfold: Individual Professional

5) - Complete all remaining data and below where it says USER choose the name you want, it can be the same as you log into your Internet Business ..

Remember that when you put the mail must be the same as choosing to work in your business ..

6) After completing all the information you in click ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ...

Ok, you got your mail, a mail of Promo - business telling you your keys to access your pages and make your own advertising ..

luck .. If you have questions just write to

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What Type Of Dogs Does Jeffree Star Have?

Empathize and conquer.

empathize and
EXPIRE value placed on the skin of others.

past few months we have been evaluating various factors dealing with customers, leadership, communication ... they are not being treated as they should when we do training for new professionals. The importance of our work not only in physical health but also as social leaders and even more cases than we think, educators (because of our influence on customer-partners-students) leads us to translate, as well as instructors, our concerns and knowledge (though always scarce) on the subject. Do not take these items as a simple reading, nor as a manual to keep to the letter, simply use them as a means to begin to develop your skills not just technical, but in the humane treatment.

Sympathy: Sentiment, usually instinctive affection or inclination toward a person or to their attitude or behavior that causes nice find their presence.

Antipathy: Feeling generally instinctive revulsion or rejection of a person or to their attitude or behavior, causing their presence
find objectionable
Apathy: Feeling generally instinctive, lack of interest towards a person or to their attitude or behavior, which causes find their presence
Is there a formula to ensure that any person entering the gym, a client or colleague, we do not provide or antipathy or apathy? Nor are leaders, or choose our customers, so we are resigned to sharing inevitably long periods (hours) practically daily, we must seek to maintain cordial treatment as possible. What is the solution?

Where does the term "empathy"? Do we need?

emotional intelligence experts such as Daniel Goleman Adele Lynn or refer to empathy (from the Greek "empatheia-εμπάθεια" which means going inside) as the foundation of personal relationships, as the point of chemistry between two people needed initially have nothing to do.

Empathy is, without sharing, the ability to appreciate the feelings and emotions that are feel our partner in a process of interaction and communication with him / her (Ortega, 2000). Call cognitive empathy the ability to understand the inner state of an individual and emotional empathy or emotional reaction from the guy who is emotional situations in another.

Develop a high empathic ability will give rise to anticipate the needs of those who shape our environment (clients, partners, coworkers, bosses) and seize the opportunities presented to us.

As for his origins, and in 1905 Edmund Husserl who began to address the issue of empathy in their studies. However, it was Edith Stein, Polish-born wife who devoted his life to studies relating to philosophy and psychology in the early twentieth century who in his thesis "The problem of empathy" (now published by "Agapea" in Castilian) spoke of the difficulty development of it, considering it impossible to reach a 100% sensitivity and participation of the other mood.

More than 1 century of study of empathy, however, just being used effectively in a guild that needs both personal contact such as ours. Therefore, if you want to make a difference with the others, make an effort to understand (or even share) the needs and desires of your customers. Authors such as Isidro, F. (2007) or Deltell (2006) and use the term empathy as a tool to improve our performance in personal training, so we believe we are in front of a weapon to take into account in our favor.

And it is not easy to really understand our partners. Following this, I quote a phrase used by Dr. Montse Dalmau, but do not know who originally created it: "Empathy is putting on the shoes of another ... habiéndote removed yours first." And, if you want to work your empathy with others, you should be able to see fully from the position of others, not from yours on your site and I explain:

Do we as instructors or students?
Do we as entrepreneurs or as a customer?
Do you still believe that it should develop more empathy, not employers, but the instructors, receptionists, etc.. Are those who maintain daily contact with the customer?

Many times we want to believe or act empathically feel when in reality we do is adapt the course thinking of others to our own.

Remember, if we are able to develop a genuine empathy be able to:

-Avoid violent situations to be preventive.
-Perform pre-and be able to identify needs.
-detect the involvement of clients, colleagues, bosses.
-Power cover a good performance with a wider range of customers.
-Improve monitoring of partners.

EMPATHY: innate or learned?

The same question is always about social and emotional skills, "empathy is innate or learned?" Fortunately, empathy depends on factors including hereditary and received education from early childhood

Cases in which children just months cry when they see another mourn, are bearing the hand at the same spot where another has done an injury or simply repeat feelings of distress, are the first empathic attitudes witnessed in humans. Moreover, several studies, such as Frans de Waal DM or McGill University, have found empathic behavior in animals (dolphins, monkeys or rodents).

Then, two and a half years may have empathic reactions concerning conduct with other children in their environment (nursery school), with facial expressions, body or simply "be" in place of another.

Unfortunately, the educational development of today's society, which tend to detachment with which surrounds us, the importance of self respect of people around us, lack of wealth in interpersonal communication (telephone, Internet), largely block our innate capacity to develop our empathy.

In addition, within education can recur in the states of other people when you do something wrong ("look what you've done damage" instead of "do it") or just in everyday situations ("this boy is sad "). Therefore, if your work is done with children, the ability to develop empathy in your students is an ability to take into account an educator.

Ortega, indicates the following steps:

-Introduce yourself in a positive way, but never pushy.
talk publicly about our feelings for the first time. Learning to properly introduce
. Make
identification exercises a / a / herself

-Find and recognize common emotions and feelings.
-Understanding the need of the world to be appreciated.
recognize the common need to be loved, supported and helped at one time or another in our lives.

-evaluate the results of the process.


First, as indicates the aforementioned Edith Stein in his doctoral thesis, we need to know as much as possible in both the person with whom we tried to place as ourselves. The greater the knowledge, the more empathic.

There are also a number of games or exercises quite dynamic and surprising results:


in two rows (or a person against the other) express through facial gestures and / or different emotions body and feelings that the partner must recognize.


Even as a "treatment group" can develop sessions in which people explain and discuss their feelings and emotions about stories or events that took place, preferably in common with others. Before

directly indicate an emotion can ask questions like:

How do you think he was ...? What do you think
think ...?

The goal is to experience situations in which to express feelings of a person and in which anyone can see wrapped / a, summarizing those with a higher affinity and reflecting on the least common.

"role-play different roles

adapt to normal with the objective to experience feelings from another point of view (making classes as a student is the best choice in our sector) to become aware of feelings that are not normally own.


From "Expression of Emotions" can find a situation, experience or story together and separately write the emotions and feelings that we have crossed his mind during the situation. After exchange and find the common ground between them and the more distant.

can take this last game as an evaluation. Do at the beginning of a work period of empathy and ultimately to compare our own evolution in this case.


Are there cases exaggerated lack of empathy? Yes, for example, alexithymia and psychopathy:

Alexithymia is an emotional disorder which whoever has it, completely lost the ability to recognize, identify and express emotions, both own and others, and feelings, reaching have also hampered to express them. Can occur in various cases, the curious are during or after periods of anxiety or depression.

For psychopaths (either rapists, pedophiles, serial murderers ...) one of the symptoms has been more common during his study is precisely that of a total lack of empathy for victims. The inability to visualize the pain of victims of crime has to do sometimes with absolute coldness.

alexithymic suppose that the term did not know him, but ... you have not felt in more than one occasion during your classes as a true psychopath with students? I do.


"Emotional Intelligence" Goleman, D.
"The other intelligence." Lynn, A. (New York 2005) Editorial Company Activa.
"The Problem of Empathy "Stein, E. (Germany 1916) Editorial Agapea.
"Personal Trainer Manual: the Fitness to Wellness" Isidro, F. & Several authors (Barcelona 2007). Editorial Paidotribo.
"Advanced Personal Training Manual FEDA" Deltell, F (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2,006). Pending publication.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Flesh Eating Desiese Merser

The world health day ...

APG NoticiasAbril 6, 2007, 0:33 EDT

La Paz, Bolivia

- "Invest in health, build a safer future" is the theme under which will be commemorated this coming April 7 World Day of Health, as reported by the Health Minister Nila Heredia.

Authorities of the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and international health sector in the country work hard to prevent diseases spreading more than they should. "Investing in health is an affirmation that we can also ask and call upon all sectors to make health a central element for the future, for the life of all life and health is as much but there is enough there will be food and nutrition life, "said the Minister of Salud.En a message from the Director of the Organization Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Mirta Roses Periago, the theme "Investing in Health, Build a Safer Future" reflects one of the most vital concerns of our time:

How to stay safe in a globalized world where disease can move from one continent to another in a matter of hours?. Although the burden may be greater for the developing world, diseases of epidemic potential are a growing threat to all nations.

While new diseases and re-emerging diseases are a danger, there are other concerns, such as: natural disasters, chemical accidents, climate change and its consequences, for which always needs to be preparados.Las newly revised and expanded "International Health Regulations," provide increased international cooperation leading to a more robust and transparent reporting of disease outbreaks and other threats to health and control efforts. This international agreement urges Member States of the World Health Organization to focus their efforts on preventing and containing public health emergencies where they originate.

To this end, it is important that these nations maintain surveillance capabilities and response to detect, assess and report public health incidents. It is also important to manage information transparency and working in solidarity among países.Según the World Health Organization (WHO), the theme of World Health day is to show that in a globalized world health problems present new challenges home again.

These challenges go beyond national borders and have implications for collective security of all personas.Una greater collaboration among all people and nations on the international community will work to improve health and also help make the safe world.

topics which will focus on health are: emerging infectious diseases International Health Regulations (RSI), public health infrastructure and the promotion of health security through sustainable development in healthy environments.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sd Reader Inspiron 1525

What is hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia, as its name suggests, is a low blood glucose concentration (less than 50/60 mg per 100 ml), or lack of fuel energy for a effort.

usually Hypoglycaemia can come from the fact:
-Skipping meals or fasting long, can be given in cases of athletes involved in physical activity early in the morning without breakfast, for instance.
-Exercising too long.
high-dose or wrong insulin for diabetics. Moreover, some diabetic population also is at risk for hypoglycemia and should normally carry an ID bracelet or even a warning for some cases of medical treatment.

worth the chance of developing insulin-secreting tumors, which can also cause hypoglycemia. These tumors difficult to locate, require surgery to be removed.

can also be given in excessive consumption of alcohol not eating before. One of the common causes in the surf.

What are the symptoms?
-Excessive sweating
-Shaking Hands
-cold-Mal humor


-Exhaustion and / or weakness. Disability Coordination
-In extreme cases, seizures or death

light hypoglycaemia (mild) that occur in isolation, should not be cause for concern. If you suffer regularly or most severe form, it should come as soon as possible to the doctor to diagnose its origin.

How to treat the symptoms of hypoglycemia? Taking small amounts of rapid assimilation sugar (orange juice, candy or sugar directly. It is also possible to take whole milk because it contains high amounts of lactose). In extreme cases, injections of glycogen directly.

If within 10-15 minutes there has been no improvement, repeat dosing.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

How To Catch Shiny Pokemon In Pokemondeluge

Recovery and sports: Citrulline Malate (Stimola). Stretches

has been a topic of conversation over the course of Fitness and Personal Training in the Balearic Islands this year ... work does not work?? Now to summarize some of what is and what is the Citrulline Malate, a compound that is incorporated into various supplements aimed at muscle recovery or even sold in pharmacies under the trade name "Stimola."

The discovery of Citrulline Malate as a supplement (a substances that the body needs during the "Krebs Cycle") appeared in 99, through studies of the Russian Olympic Committee. According Kolesov "Research on athletic performance have shown that Citrulline Malate is highly effective in strengthening the capacity of general and specific work and to optimize the functional condition of the athletes." Besides being used in athletes and athletes, is also considering treatment with elderly suffering from chronic fatigue to improve their state of "energy."

What Does Citrulline Malate? The metabolic pathways we leave a residue that is produced by fatigue: Ammonia and lactic acid (which does not produce AGUJETAS). Citrulline malate (Stimola) helps not accumulate lactic acid in large quantities, redirecting, and the accumulation of ammonia: Citrulline malate, malic acid compound citrulline, malic acid of the resynthesis reencarga lactic acid and citrulline ammonium removal. Right now

Citrulline Malate is easily reachable from pharmacies (about 6 euros in boxes of 18 packets) or sports supplement stores in recovered products (such as StressNutril of Nutrisport) and is not considered doping to date today.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Nortel Phones T7316e How To Unlock Voicemail

Indoor Cycle (Spinning). By Dani Montero. Full article. Oriental Wellness born


flexed correctly in indoor cycling class?

this article, I present it as a personal reflection.

flexed correctly in our indoor cycling classes?

Before reflecting on the subject, I would like to make a brief paragraph in anatomy and biomechanics of cycling.

During pedaling indoor cycling class, we perform flexion and extension of hip, knee and ankle on an ongoing basis, in addition to involuntary isometric contractions should be very mild or no, but we can not ignore.

A) Muscle that acts

concentric and eccentric hip extensor musculature principal:
1. Gluteus maximus

hamstring hip extensor musculature secondary:
1. Cuadrado crural
2. Gluteus medius (posterior fibers)

hip flexor musculature principal:
1. Iliopsoas - Psoas
- iliac
2. Rectus femoris
3. Tensor fascia lata

hip flexor musculature secondary:
1. Sartorio
2. Gluteus minimus
3. Gluteus medius (anterior fibers)
shutters 5. Muscle pyramidal

main extensor of the knee:
1. Quadriceps Muscle

secondary hip extensor:
1. Gluteal deltoid - Tensor fascia lata

surface fibers of the gluteus maximus.
main flexor musculature of the knee:
1. Isquitibiales: - Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps long

knee flexor musculature secondary:
1. Sartorio
2. Gracilis
3. Short biceps
4. Popliteal
5. Twin

main extensor musculature of the foot:
1. Sural triceps - Twins
- Soleus

secondary extensor musculature of the foot:
1. Peroneal
2. Posterior tibial
3. Finger flexors.

main flexor musculature of the foot:
1. Anterior tibial

foot flexor musculature secondary
1. Anterior peroneal
2. Finger extensors.
main extensor musculature of the skull and neck:
1 Trapeze
2. Sterno-mastoid
cleido-3. Splenius
4. Suboccipital - Straight
posterior major and minor - major and minor
Oblique 5. Levator scapulae

B) Muscle that acts isometrically:

flexors and extensors of the arm and hand:
1. Biceps brachii
2. Coracobrachialis
3. Brachialis
4. Brachioradialis
5. Triceps brachii
6. Radial muscles
7. Ulnaris
8. Flexor digitorum profundus common
9. Common flexor surface of fingers

Other ...

girdle musculature:
1. Pectoral
2. Serrato
3. Deltoid
4. Trapeze
5. Grand Ridge
6. Subscapular

Other ...
C) respiratory and cardiac musculature:

Due to the high demands of muscle oxygen, we performed a greater number of breaths per minute and the intensity of them is much greater than in a resting state.
This, aided by the constant isometric (if you get to achieve throughout session) for the abdominal muscles, carries a greater effort of the chest muscles.

1. Abdominal box (diaphragm, rectus abdominis, abdominal obliques, transverse and muscular pelvic diaphragm).

We also refer to the fatigue to which we subject our heart muscle.

2. The heart

As we can see, involve a large number of muscles in one session of indoor cycling, the feasibility to stretch them is zero, by the limited time available, so we make a small selection of them . †

has done a good foretaste would - What muscles stretch?
One possible solution to it could be:
• In first preference pray, stretch those large muscle groups involved in the specific work of pedaling. (Eg quadriceps)
• In second place, stretch those muscles that directly affect specific pedaling. (Example calf)
• Third, stretch those muscles that steadily, but not cycling specific, constantly involved in the session. (Example scapular deltoid)
• In fourth place, phasic stretch those muscles. (Eg latissimus dorsi)

† A Once you have clear the muscles to stretch, we should ask: In what order the stretch?
The answer to that question is very ambiguous, because each instructor has a different methodology, but if you need to have a clear minimum performance standards.
try to expose some of these patterns to achieve greater effectiveness in our stretching.

- should do the exercises from basic positions, easy, that does not endanger the person.
- Avoid postures contraindicated or detrimental to the practitioner.
- Choose the type of stretching to do.
- Transitions between muscles to stretch, have to be fluid.
- Taking an order logical as possible when stretching the muscles differently, for instance head to toe. It would be impractical to switch muscles of legs, arms, back, legs, back ....
- Eliminate ballistic movements.
- Avoid hyperextension and joint locks.
- Inspire before starting the movement and exhale when the muscle elongation.
- Avoid apneas in muscle elongation phase.
- Do not bother the person that surrounds us.

If we clear these points when making our stretching, their success will be very close.

Other aspects to consider:

Not only we can control all of the above, it is not easy, but we should also be able to control those aspects that influence the development of this part of the session.

- Type of music
Music Volume - Tone of voice used
- Force
lighting -
stretch intensity - time to devote to each muscle

type of music to choose music for that part of the session, is very personal, but it must be relaxing.

2. Music Volume
The ideal size would be slightly lower than the session, this would denote a seasonal change it also implies higher concentration, prevents the spread of the group (with loud music voices blend in among the sounds) and gives a sense of tranquility.

voice Assuming that in the session, all of it should be given information as brief and concise as possible, we must apply:

A) on important issues to emphasize, such as a technical indication on action i contraindicated or dangerous to the physical integrity of the practitioner, using a DIM NO voice, it will forcefully and transmit a sense of security and knowledge.

B) on aspects of more relative importance, such as a positive transitional phrase between muscle and muscle to stretch, use a calm tone of voice faint but audible to all practitioners of the room, calm and transmit this feeling of comfort.

4. Force
lighting intensity lighting is also important in the indoor cycling class.
A softer light conveys a more relaxed, as happens in the massage rooms.
By contrast, being less enlightened practitioners, we must be more attentive to possible mistakes made by our students. White light passes
purity and peace, cons of other colors.

5. Stretch intensity
According to Elena Martínez Gómez, Physiotherapist, who has completed his studies at the Universidad Europea de Madrid.
There are several types of stretching depending on if you have muscle contraction (active) or not (passive). We will use only for self-stretching passive stretching. Basically passive stretch follows the following scheme:
· Stretch the muscle until we find a barrier driving. The gate drive is a feeling of tightness or tension that occurs when the muscle, for whatever reason, you can not stretch. Brake is a feeling no pain.
· When you reach the barrier we stop driving, holding the position for 6-10 seconds that will decrease the tension and take the opportunity to move to another drive barrier. This sequence can be repeated 2-3 times.
• The stretching is carried out gradually and lens. This type of stretching
leaves the muscle relaxed, so are recommended for after an activity.
is very important to stretch with a low force, without using too much pressure. Do not hit the muscle
hoping they recover faster. These blows defense trigger reflex reactions that automatically cause an unwanted increase in muscle tone.
6. Time to spend every muscle
"Time to spend is another aspect to consider, since classes have a fixed and as good professionals we must meet those schedules.

-final position Maintaining muscle to stretch, should be extended from 6 to 10 seconds, do not fall into the trap of submitting to the music (a recommendation is to use a medium to full musical block, depending on the speed the beat of it)

"We must not stretch the muscles worked immediately after. This makes him a contract.
Ideally, you spend a short time between the end of stretching intensity loads (for which we can use the cool down)

Under Gatorade Sports Science Center and the authors: E. Yvonne

Satterwhite, MD, CSCS
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Premier Orthopaedic Surgery, LLC
Medical Team Leader, Atlanta Beat Women's
Professional Soccer Team Atlanta, Georgia

"After a cooling program light must be followed with a stretching program"

Marc Hill, MA, CSCS, SCCC Head Coach
strength and conditioning
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky

"Immediately after training, we recommend that athletes exercising static or dynamic flexibility to begin the healing and recovery process. "

( )


1. Imply a large number of muscles in one session of indoor cycling, the feasibility to stretch them is zero, by the limited time available, so we make a small selection of them.

2. Ask: - What muscles stretch?
- In what order the stretch?

3. Several aspects to consider:

- Type of music
Music Volume - Tone of voice used
- Force
lighting -
stretch intensity - time to devote to each muscle

· Daniel Montero Martínez. Superior Technical
Animation Physical Activity and Sport (TAFAD).
chiropractor treatment. Technical
indoor cycle.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Tally7.2 Data Can Be Open In Tally 9

The trend of fitness has led to the merging of activities that seek to balance the wellbeing of body and mind.

In his line of constant study, Raúl Cacho Pomar (Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sport, a senior technician in Animation and Sports Physical Activity and director of Barcelona FEDA) has applied his choreographic skills, technical and martial arts to design a new discipline that explores this new line of development of exercise, training, welfare and body harmony. This is the Oriental Wellness, a gym based on oriental disciplines adapting global training of the different physical properties (strength, endurance, flexibility ...) with special attention to breathing, coordination and proprioception.

This technique builds on different movements based on natural phenomena (wind, water ...) through implementation pattern soft and slow, connecting the mind and body, and working collaboratively to enhance breathing stability of the spine, and strengthening and relaxation of muscles.

Each active Wellness Oriental choreography different positions, accented by a rocking motion, causing the transfer of body weight on different supports and foot slippage. This phenomenon of stimulation produces a positive effect on the reflex areas of the plant Foot, known in Eastern medicine as "the second body." The cluster of feelings can be emphasized by going to the support of aromatherapy, resulting in a complete relaxation and wellness, which is the ultimate goal of a session of the discipline.

Where can you know?

Throughout 2007, Raúl Cacho participate in various conventions and conferences in which present the new technique. The next presentation of this new discipline will take place at: CEF

Carnival, Lisbon (Portugal), February 20
Cosmofitness 2007, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b9, 10 and 11 March
Promofitness, Oporto (Portugal) 23, 24 and 25 March Belsalud
2007, Granada, 14 and 15 April
Wellness Day, April 21 Mallorca
Wellness Weekend FEDA. Madrid, 27, 28 and 29 April. International Dating
Caracas (Venezuela), 26 and 27 May.
Benidorm 2007, Benidorm, 1, 2 and 3 June. Fitness Cambri
International Cambrils 20, 21 and 22 July.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Casehard Default Combination Lock

From Venezuela ...

About 5 or 6 of every 100 red blood sugar to enter your hemoglobin
Julio Acosta UrbanejaJackeline Rubin Panvini

Dulce repentance

Gone parties and many them is the repentance of itself over these dates. The most worried are those with metabolic problems or chronic diseases. Such is the case of diabetics, large group in any society on earth.

Regular aerobic exercise is essential in controlling blood sugar in them.

In the diabetic patient's mind the word "control" is directly related to their welfare. However, the result of a single test at a given time, such as fasting blood glucose, does not tell us much about the diabetic metabolic reality in recent times. This is the case of a patient who does not care and commits excesses, as in December, but still have reserves that allow you to fast for 12 hours and "passed" the test, normal glucose registering that morning. We

circulating between 70 and 110 mg / dl glucose (normal glucose). In these circumstances, about 5 or 6 of every 100 red blood cells (erythrocytes) incorporate the sugar to their hemoglobin (Hb) and this binding is irreversible, only cease with the death of these red cells, a half-life of 120 days. To this we called glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and its normal value is between 5 and 6%, as noted.

As red blood cells live for 3 to 4 months, and will not release the sugar and glucose linked, in calculating HbA1c know how was the amount of sugar in the blood during the last 3 months, not only during the last 12 hours.

thus be possible to know, of course, the reality of being diabetic. Title pending

remain active sports for children and adolescents and promote positive values. Therefore should be considered all the factors that influence school performance before removing the youth of the sport because "it takes time to study them" or "causes of low grades."

Parents and families influence the motivation of the athlete, but both lack as excessive intervention may also be harmful. In child and youth sport, the parents make too much pressure on the performance of their children, taking them into early retirement insurance.

How many of us have known a friend who left the sport for not endure abuse from their parents when the results of the competition were not expected? How many of these results were technically successful and their parents lack the critics?

To support and encourage their children must accompany their practices regularly, have good communication with their coaches, without interfering or press your decisions and to respect the tastes of young people who wish to activities and encourage them to have fun.

We must be aware that in many cases abandoning the sport for the young family attitudes comes as pressure to succeed when they should be proud of their performance, to make their lives more than a medal .

Monday, January 8, 2007

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Sunday, January 7, 2007

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