Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How Should Shoulder Pain In Ectopic Preg Feel

What is a meeting?

Any group of two or more persons with a purpose is a meeting. Permanently
human beings in pursuit of their objectives, have tried to meet, since Adam and Eve, who staged the first meetings, clans, tribes, colonies to the typical meetings we participate often: working meetings .

Without leaving aside the importance of teamwork, it is important to recognize that the effectiveness of this is closely linked with how the efforts are channeled towards the end to be obtained. Consequently, many efforts are lost due to ignorance of this maxim. Typically

hear that the meetings are "a waste of time." Is this real?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Bipolar Disorder Zhineng

How to stress test. Conconi test.

First of all, thank Miguel Frau Professor Course Fitness and Personal Training Baleares FEDA the idea:

As you can see on the blog, we have several weeks promoting the use of the monitor at the gym as a fundamental tool to monitor our performance and results ... One of the most requested consultations these days has been how to perform a stress test know our maximum heart rate and / or the anaerobic threshold in order to check on how much work really (discarding the more generalist and Karvonen formula). Although

insist here stress testing at specialized centers like the best bet, obviously still quite difficult to find one close to our gym, workplace, etc.. As we will explain a test (developed by Dr. Conconi, Italian researcher) to determine our anaerobic threshold, and from there, a more coherent approach to the maximum heart rate.



After a warm up for 8-10 minutes and obviously proceed, bringing the heart rate monitor and having checked the correct operation of this, we will be systematically increasing the speed (eg 0.5 km / h on the treadmill) about every minute and we will take note of the evolution of the frequency cardíaca.Conconi states that (as shown in the chart above) there is a point that increases the speed with hardly have changes in heart rate, this coincides with the anaerobic threshold.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Www.portalfitness.com

Monday, December 11, 2006

Pregnancy Letter To Employer Template

Taking Yaz As Emergency Contraceptive

Reunones Welcome to the Blog of work.
The purpose is to share ideas and gather information to build an information site on all aspects involved in a reunion, from preparation to execution. Topics

building agendas, ways to invite and inform, conflict management and control of the scene will be our priority.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Pest Analysis For Hair Salon

More work with heart rate monitor ... Training with heart rate monitor

Activities such as Indoor Cycle, Pilates (both land and machines) or Aquafitness have moved progressively to the sessions for "soil" as aerobics, step ...
While we are clear that the trends and even the "fashion" has much to do with this, we must also recognize that the instructors have not put everything you would play as such to keep your full session: Control the difficulty of choreography, communication and motivation, safety, or teaching capacity, without going any further, the subject to which we refer in this case, the use of progress technological or scientific applicable to our sessions.

What is a heart rate monitor?

Simply put, a heart rate monitor is a device used to measure the pulse ... so easy and so complex at a time like that ... A kind of watch with the functions of time, date, stopwatch with the addition of pulse control and more advanced (depending on model: Control of the percentages of effort, calories burned, time in aerobic-anaerobic zones, graphics or even the ability to download the data into a computer).
Of course, you must perform a series of adjustments such as age, weight,% fat, VO2 max, resting heart rate, maximum heart rate ... to provide the best reliability available to it.

a heart rate monitor WHAT MY ACTIVITIES AIMED AT?
As we say, a little technological advance in aerobics, step, fitness, etc.. would not all bad.

Studies such as those by CarlosBarbado (1), demonstrating that the indoor cycle that was previously undertaken by anaerobic excess peaks in the sessions, Ginés Foixench (2), queindicaba the cardiovascular pobretrabajo performed aerobics sessions Capi (3 ), with various conclusions and the intensity difference musical about the speed, demonstrate through experiments in his day surprising that on many occasions, our activities aimed not meet the minimum goals and customer expectations in terms of cardiovascular work.

Do you really know if we are working correctly at the cardiovascular level in a choreographed aerobics? With a majority of clientele that you want to reduce waist, legs, hips ... Have you stopped to think how many caloríasllegas really burn in a session of fitness or toning located?

Also, if you want to improve cardiovascular performance in your sessions targeted use the heart rate monitor as a tool. Use a simple spreadsheet to keep track of calories burned per session, time bands best work, maximum heart rate,% fat burn ... and seen as reflecting the small changes you can make in your workouts for better or worse overall performance.
other hand, will be very useful if you have a student @ a certain confidence that you can put the heart rate monitor for further testing, or even keep trying with different types of people.


-Resting Heart Rate: The number of keystrokes you have of lying, without effort and, if possible, early in the morning. It is convenient to the test several times to give greater reliability.
-Maximum heart rate: The maximum number of beats per minute can be. There are several ways of approaching our maximum by age, but how are you not distinguish other important values \u200b\u200bsuch as individual's health status, genetics itself or in some cases being male or female, so we recommend if you lifetime athlete or coach, to direct you to a medical center to perform a stress test (ECG) (5). There are too expensive (around € 25-30 proof), and you will react infinitely safer.

Experiments "HOME" TO CONSIDER

-Perform a GAP session (or found) in a conventional manner, doing most of the lying exercises, both open and closed chain (4) and a heart rate monitor calculates the amount of calories consumed.

"Now, perform a GAP session of the same duration avoiding possible exercises lying down, going to make intervallic series of medium-high intensity exercise combined, closed or open chain, standing and moving a minimum of 1 / 6 of the total body. Back to measure calories consumed.

· 1) Area of \u200b\u200bmoderate activity (50-60% MHR).
· 2) weight control zone (60-70% MHR).
· 3) aerobic threshold zone (70-80% MHR).
· 4) anaerobic threshold zone (80-90% MHR).
° 5) red line zone (90-100% MHR). For a casual athlete is inadvisable
training in this area and only makes sense in the case of elite athletes

"Take the heart rate monitor and calculate the calories consumed in one hour of rest
(approximately one hour basal metabolism).

"On the other hand, works with heart rate monitor in sessions led and even try it with a student. Does anaerobic abused peaks in Indoor Cycle? "Reach your students a minimum acceptable cardio sessions choreographed?

- Are there sessions that really almost be better to stay home? If your answer is yes ... understand your customers think the same thing!


(1) - Research on the reality of Indoor Cycle aerobic work.
(2) - Research on the reality of work choreographed aerobic sessions.
(3) - Several studies done aerobics and / or high intensity step.
(4) - GAP, glutes, abs and legs. Diéguez July. Editorial INDE.
(5) - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/ency/article/003878.htm

Training with heart rate monitor (www.temalia.com)
fitness manual gyms. Juan Carlos Colado. Editorial Inde.
Manual of Fitness and Personal Training Level II FEDA. Francesc Deltell. James Rado

Aerobics Trainer Level III and Guided Activities Officer and Professor FEDA FEDA
Reporter and "presenter" in different national conventions. Contributor
magazines "INTERGYM's" and "Active Training".

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Lab Answers For Ap Lab 6

heart rate monitor (heart rate monitor for friends) is a device that allows you to make your workouts in a more intelligent, because you can keep better control your heart rate (heart rate and thus distribute loading zone training exercise and not just to score or approximations.

For example, if you're interested in is to burn fat you can do training in the range of cardiac stress to your own.

But if you want to distribute your training and some sessions focused on developing speed, strength or aerobic work simply, it is very easy and efficient train with this device and may be able to reach to achieve your goals more intelligent.

If you practice aerobic sports such as cycling, running, walking, aerobic dance, swimming, etc., The heart rate monitor is a tool that will be useful and a good investment you train for competition recreationally.

There are several ways to calculate the areas of effort, but we recommend you go with an expert, a coach for example, who will advise and make an accurate assessment, remember that each person is different and therefore `requires personalized attention. You should always be considered in aerobic sports is the main reason the heart is not coincidentally the attention it requires.

disciplines in this type of listening to your heart should be taken literally and not metaphorically. There are a large nçumero market monitors, from very simple and basic models to those with a large number of features and functionality, and interfaces that allow you to download data to a PC and develop complimentary software training programs. Using the Heart Rate Monitor


Heart rate is a good indicator of the intensity of effort in those sports and physical activities that directly affect the cardiovascular system. The heart rate monitor is a good tool that allows, during training, collect and analyze information on the effort.

To control the intensity and duration, both as the recovery effort, training volume, and store this data for later analysis. Its use is widespread and very suitable for sports and activities mainly aerobics. The training is based not only on the distance traveled or time spent, but is mindful of the degree of physical effort performed. Therefore it is necessary to measure heart rate to control the intensity of exercise and provide information on changes that occur in the cardiovascular system during exercise.

The heart rate monitor is a device that will measure and record heart rate.

There are many types of heart rate monitor, the most sophisticated can then dump the data into a computer for analysis. It consists of two elements, a transmitter that captures the heart and the receiver can view it.

data between these two elements are transmitted via radio, so there are no cables or anything that may disturb during the exercise. The accuracy of heart rate monitors current is comparable to that of laboratory equipment. They also have an alarm, allowing the programming times of the phases of recovery work and interval training and an indicator of lower and upper heart rate that is activated when it is above or below the established limits which makes possible precise control of the labor intensity. Control of physiological and training.

heart rate is closely related with other parameters during the exercise, such as maximum oxygen consumption or anaerobic threshold. To improve performance in specific areas, training should develop in a specific band of heart rate.

resting heart rate.

resting heart rate is reduced with aerobic training, and although it alone can not be considered an indicator of athletic performance, personal actions to control a program of training and the tendency to decrease over several weeks indicates an improvement in fitness. For proper determination that is necessary to record the heart rate at rest for a few minutes, standing on his back, and if possible in the morning, on waking.

maximum heart rate.

A the first measurements to be an athlete to start training with heart rate monitor is set your maximum heart rate, with the aim of establishing work zones appropriate to each objective of your training program. It is necessary to calculate the maximum heart rate of each athlete and carry out regular checks. In the case of untrained subjects, and athletes to resume work after a long period of physical exercise or with a history or risk of cardiovascular disease as well as subjects in middle or old age, the determination of the maximum heart rate should done under medical supervision and in a place with security measures appropriate. Control


The use of the monitor during the interval training sessions is essential. Patients should be rest periods between sets to the proper execution of training and assessment effort.

detection of symptoms of overtraining.

An increase in resting heart rate may be a sign of overtraining or illness. The analysis of the records of the monitor evaluates the activity carried out by the athlete at all times of the season and constantly adapt the training to suit your features and performance.


Sunday, December 3, 2006

Burning From My Throat To My Stomach

According to the newspaper "The Nation" ...

When a low level of physical activity, between 13 and 18 years is a drop of exercise capacity. This was revealed by a English study of 3000 adolescents, whose results were presented yesterday in Buenos Aires.

This is, paradoxically, at a stage in which individuals must reach the highest fitness in their lives. The study (a similar one will be next year in Argentina) has shown that sedentary during this period results in more cases of obesity and cholesterol disorders, risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

"We saw that 18 year olds engaged in less physical activity than 13 and that, contrary to what one might expect, the fitness level was reduced significantly between 13 and 18 years," he said yesterday THE NATION Dr. Manuel Castillo Garzón, a researcher at the Department of Physiology, University of Granada, Spain, during the presentation of the campaign Welfare Movement of the Coca-Cola.

"In the adolescent is growing and is at the stage where it reaches its full potential [physical], a drop of about 8 percent of their physical condition, as we have seen, is of great importance, "the researcher added. In his opinion, this situation portends a poor start to adulthood, in which" the level of fitness will decline with over time. "

But what are the consequences of lack of exercise in the young? Dr. Castillo Garzón builds a response from several factors evaluated in their study:" We note that the worse was the level of physical condition, the greater the incidence of abdominal obesity, of dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, lowering good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol and the presence other factors that we now know are associated with atherosclerosis, such as inflammation markers. "

In one of the published scientific papers from the analysis presented yesterday by Dr. Castillo Garzón, the researchers found that" one five teens has future cardiovascular risk [calculated] on the basis of their aerobic capacity.

These young English specialist said, "we can expect a higher incidence of diseases associated with inadequate lifestyle. The paradigm is obesity and overweight, as well as the metabolic syndrome, followed by atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

How much physical activity should be performed regularly during the teenage boy? "Although there is no recommendation that fits all," said the English researchers, "we can say that a minimum would be one hour, three times per week of aerobic activity and strength important." According to their study, only between 50 and 60% of English adolescents meet that share essential movement.

What about Argentina?

What is the physical state of our teenagers?, Is a question that has yet to be answered by future studies, La Nacion said Dr. Alejandro O'Donnell, director Center for Studies on Infant Nutrition (CESNI), which plans to carry out a study to find an answer.

Under Welfare Movement campaign, which appeared yesterday Coca-Cola, which includes a new nutrition labels of its products, the CESNI will launch an investigation next year that will not only know how much activity Argentine teens made physical. The study will determine whether certain interventions are effective in moving them.

"The study, which will begin next year, will take place in schools where teachers work with education natural to try to find ways to encourage physical activity of pupils, told Dr. O Donnell. At the same time, we will give the students a few devices that measure physical activity continuously, and allow us to estimate how much physical activity performed throughout the day. "

Thus, the study will provide a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bhow active or how sedentary young Argentines are at the same time provide strategies to make young people move and develop their maximum physical ability.

For Dr. Castillo Garzón, one of the subjects that are still outstanding is just "find the appropriate message for teens to exercise. Adolescence is a crucial step in forming habits that generally persist for the rest of life. "

That is counted among those habits of physical activity is the goal sought by these and many other researchers, and is perhaps the only tool able to reverse the growing epidemic of obesity, which is largely on the sedentary nature of modern life.

By Sebastián A. Ríos
Editors of the NATION

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Gay Cruising In The Gta

Side effects of "energy drinks"


Drinks energizing settled the controversy: stimulating or damaged?
were born as a complement of sporting activity. Young people adopted them as if they were soft. Warn about the high caffeine content.

Young adopted energy drinks, but do not take into account the danger of consuming alcohol. Energy drinks are available to all, especially children. Click to enlarge

In recent times the energy drinks market broke in the middle and soon settled among young people who took to this new "magic" as an inseparable ally of the night, the fun and music.

But at the same time broke a controversy that seems to be boundless. Is that there is a long time almost worldwide campaign where the real danger alert when consumed with alcohol.

But, really, are they effective and good for health?, How true is what they promise?, Are there risks in consumption that night the young adopted? These are some of the questions asked every day who know their danger.

In a fast paced world and almost no place to rest, more and more different types of products launched in the version energizing. In this case it is known that chewing gum is to bring energy, special cereal bars, including drugs energizing counter, adopted by both athletes and young people and adults who need to gain more hours of concentration and work 24 hours a day.

Amid all these beverages could not be left behind. While soft drinks have a higher percentage of caffeine produces a mild state of excitement, that's not enough for athletes and people who enjoy the night and need extra strength to remain standing as long as possible.

sports drink

While some of these drinks, the best known brands and disseminated in the market are Speed \u200b\u200band Red Bull, born as additional substances to athletes and others emerged with the aim of woo youth sports so or not.

The difference is that some of them are isotonic and others are energizing or also called hypertonic, thus its function is different.

The sports drinks are necessary when doing aerobic activity because through perspiration lost fluids is necessary to recover. Meanwhile, energy drinks are good for anaerobic activities or be taken prior to competition because they provide extra energy, but not liquids.

These energy drinks have also gained popularity among young people has begun to use them as if they were soft and regardless of the danger that this may lead to health after a long night of dancing and fun. Moisturizers

When the sport began to be superprofesionalizado began dating products for athletes to have an ideal complement to its claim of being among the best in the longest possible time. Gatorade also born particularly as a moisturizer with extra components whose target is the athlete, however recently launched its version Fierce to keep up in this process.

According to Mark Diehl, Marketing Gatorade, "sports drinks are scientifically formulated to rapidly replace fluids and minerals the body loses in any situation of thirst and heat while we perform physical activity ".

This drink has in particular water, necessary for rehydration of the athlete, potassium, sodium, which helps the absorption of liquid and encourages increased intake of fluids and to 6% glucose (which is the maximum that our body can assimilate during physical activity) necessary element for recovery.

"Gatorade provides the body with energy so you can keep intensity exercise for longer and spend more calories. For this, Gatorade has 24 calories per 100ml, equivalent to half the calories having a fruit juice or soda, "says Diehl.

Being a drink designed specifically for drinking during athletic activity or gas does not contain caffeine. Mark Diehl said:" You should not have gas because it causes a sensation of fullness before they hydrated, not to mention the pain in your belly to the amounts required to be drinking during exercise. It should not contain caffeine, because it is a diuretic and what we are looking for is putting fluids and not vice versa. "

As there have contraindications of any kind can drink the desired amount. Its message is" Gatorade rehydrates, replenishes minerals and reactive ".

In the field of energy drinks, the market has expanded and diversified and different brands pose different sales messages. According to Eugenia

Aramburu, the Communication Centre of Red Bull, "this drink is much more than a soft drink is an energy drink. This made for times when physical and mental stress increase, and improve endurance."

Red Bull has taurine, glucoronolactona, caffeine, sucrose, glucose, inositol, vitamin B6 and B12, niacin and pantothenic acid

Your sales message says: "vitalize mind and body," which does not mean it is only necessary for a sports, but is extensible at any time. This slogan was what alerted the young associate to have that extra help to get a full night of music, fun and a little tired. Anyway, the company says is a drink designed for athletes, especially those activities that require an immediate recovery as adventure racing, general mountaineering, skiing. According

Aramburu "Red Bull Energy Drink is the first released in the world and leads the new product category it created. Enhances physical performance and alertness, increase concentration and to react quickly, stimulates metabolism ". Red Bull
occurs to power, therefore contains a large amount of carbohydrates. These energy levels make this drink is hypertonic, it means that your osmolality (which is a measure of the number of particles in a solution) is greater than that found in body fluid.

in sports activities that require high levels of energy these drinks are very beneficial and is indicated for use during and after exercise. But if their use is during the exercise should be combined with water or sports drinks to replace fluids lost through perspiration.

the foregoing is good to know that specialists be very careful with their uncontrolled use and remember what to consider before eating:

1 - It is dangerous to take if after exercise is not, as its energizing function accelerates the heart rate and can cause a heart attack explosive.
2 - runs the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, because it contains components that dilute the blood to her heart pumping costs a lot less blood, so you can make a physical effort with less fatigue.
3 - Do not mix with alcohol, because drinking the mixture turns into a "Deadly Bomb" which directly attacks the liver, causing the affected area to regenerate anymore.
4 - One of the main components of vitamin B12 is used in medicine for recovering coma patients, hence the high and the state of excitement which is after taking it, as if you were drunk.
5 - Regular consumption of these drinks triggers the onset of a series of nervous and neural irreversible. JORGE SUAREZ


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tight Underwear Shrink Penis

most unusual methods for plugging a doping

At a conference, the experts warned that current techniques still remain as primitive as incredible to hide banned substances. Practices that are destructive to the body

Experts who participated in Spain at a conference of sports medicine warned about the return of methods of doping among athletes who seemed banished and stressed the need to equip laboratories with the means to ensure comprehensive and rigorous controls.

The head of the Anti-Doping Laboratory Accredited Barcelona, \u200b\u200bDr. Jorge Segura, said that athletes at the last Games in Athens had "reinvented" methods of doping at the time seemed banished, as hypodermic needles "home" for blood transfusions gadgets for clean urine voiding through a bulb below the penis.

explained that laboratories must have the means to do their work well because they are "link in the chain weaker," though they are "subject to very stringent levels of quality."

"The sample should be collected properly and the chain of custody of that sample must ensure that no one can handle and, above all, the results must be interpreted correctly by specialists," he said. He also stated that one of the challenges of the laboratories is to cope with the new designer drugs, "manipulated chemically with minor modifications molecules.

The conference "Doping, a path with no future" organized by the Sports Medicine department of the Municipal Institute of Sports (IME), also addressed Dr. Manuel Pueyo, president of the Committee on authorizations for Therapeutic Use who referred repeatedly to the late Italian cyclist Marco Pantani.

"I opened up to nine court cases and all were dismissed because he never found banned substances in his body, which is why I speak of the danger of 'pantanalizar" cycling " Pueyo said. Moreover, Dr. Eduardo Ribot, referred to a case study of how to do the doping test for "athletes and their environment and do not know how they caught the unexpected, "he said." They (the attempt to mask the prohibited substance) before we cheaters, if there are traps, usually not detected until we have adequate means of treatment of these substances, "he said.

Ribot also explained the doping controls carried out in the Chess Olympiad in Calvia 2004 and said he was" surprised "the behavior of many chess players." You refused to take the controls, other home escaped, some attacked a Civil Guard and the other fell asleep while waiting. A Russian girl was crying and one reported me to a judge after refusing to pass control, "he said.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Throat Pain During Evening Time

Pelvic floor. Kegel exercises to improve the health of it.


Kegel exercises for pelvic floor recovery

What are Kegel exercises?
exercises Kegel was conceived by Dr. Arnold Kegel to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Until then, women, or could bear as urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing or jumping) or should undergo surgery, which was not always a guarantee of solution.
There are several ways to do Kegel exercises, but all are based on contract and relax the pubococcygeus or PC (also known as pelvic floor muscle) repeatedly in order to increase strength and endurance, and prevent or avoid incontinence and other problems.

The PC muscle is the main muscle of the pelvic floor. It has a nerve connection that reaches the pelvic nerve, a branch that connects the uterus and bladder in women. (In the case of man, connects the bladder and prostate were the bottom of the spine.) If the PC muscle is strong, then becomes the largest energy transmitter. Contraction in man de este músculo estimula la próstata y en la mujer el útero.

¿Cuales son los músculos del suelo pélvico?
El suelo pélvico es un sistema de músculos y ligamentos que cierran el suelo del abdomen manteniendo en posición correcta y en suspensión la vejiga, el útero y el recto en contra de la fuerza de la gravedad. El debilitamiento del suelo pélvico provoca uno o varios de los siguientes trastornos: incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo, prolapsos (caída de los órganos intrabdominales) y disfunciones sexuales.

La figura anterior muestra los tres diafragmas bajos del suelo pélvico. Los músculos más superficiales se muestran en verde, los del diafragma urogenital pubococcygeus yellow and red.

Why should do Kegel exercises during and after pregnancy?
strengthen pelvic floor muscles will help you:
eliminate or avoid incontinence aggravated by the weight of the baby on your bladder during pregnancy.

facilitate delivery to occur less tears (and possibly avoid an episiotomy) with less pain after childbirth.

increase blood circulation in the rectal area, helping to heal faster a tear or episiotomy, and reduce the chance of hemorrhoids. Avoid
prolapse (exit site) of the uterus, bladder and other organs in the area, after having a baby.

Return to your normal activities after childbirth without fear of incontinence when you laugh, cough, sneeze or jump.

increase sexual pleasure. Kegel exercises are essential to tone vaginal muscles and return to a normal sex life after birth.

postpartum incontinence affects about 30% of women, and hemorrhoids to 50% of pregnant women. Both problems can be avoided by doing Kegel exercises every day.

Did you know that 45% of women experience urinary incontinence?
The problem of incontinence is generated by weakened pelvic floor muscles pelvis. These hold the lower abdomen as a bow-shaped guard hammock flexible, and offer necessary support and support for the bladder, uterus and bowels.
pelvic floor through the vent go outside of these three organs: the urethra, vagina and rectum.

addition to the physical, incontinence also leads to psychological and social problems. According to Dr. Miguel Angel Jiménez Cidre, director of the Center for Research on Incontinence (CERN), incontinence sufferers face of prejudice and misinformation in the environment of those affected. "Among these consequences, we have low self-esteem and limited physical activity, sexual and labor if left untreated. The affected also may also have emotional disorders related to the disease, such as panic attacks, stress and depression.
"The consequences of pelvic floor dysfunction significantly alter the quality of life of the patient and to some extent, isolate the impact on their everyday lifestyle. Many women do not go to certain places for fear of wetting or live with shame their problem and do not even dare to consult with your doctor, when he could offer assistance. Moreover, when it interferes with the sexual sphere, conflicts may arise serious partner, "said Dr. Lydia Montoya, Gynecology Service Specialist Hospital Ramón y Cajal.

What are the causes that weaken the pelvic floor?
Pregnancy: the weight of the uterus
Delivery: passing the baby through the vagina
Postpartum: abdominal exercise or perform jumps early, play sports or carry weights.
Sports: especially those of "jumps" and "impact"
Menopause: by hormonal changes, and leading to loss of flexibility and atrophy and hypotonia.
Inheritance: two out of ten women have innate weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.
daily habits, urine retention, wear tight clothes, practice singing, playing wind instruments.
Other causes: obesity, constipation, chronic cough, stress and others.

What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a form of varicose veins that occur routinely during pregnancy due to the increasing pressure on the veins of the rectum. May occur for the first time or made worse because of pregnancy. Some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids are itching, pain and bleeding in the anus. If you notice rectal bleeding during pregnancy, consult your doctor. Although the most likely case of hemorrhoids, is better than a doctor to rule out other more serious possibilities. They may need minor surgery, but usually refer themselves after pregnancy.

How do I identify and isolate the pelvic floor muscles to do Kegel exercises?
The easiest way to recognize the perineal muscle is urinating stopping at intervals. If you can, even if only partially, you have located the muscles need exercise to Kegel exercises. Sit comfortably with your legs open, trying to stop urine flow and bring them again to leave without moving your legs. If you can do without effort, is that you have strong pelvic muscles. Make this test only to recognize the muscles you do not exercise more regularly as it could cause you a urinary tract infection.
Another form of identification is to insert a clean finger into the vagina and try to tighten. If you notice any muscle movement is that you have found him. Try to repeat many times a day as possible, starting with a 50 to reach 300 a day. As your muscles are more toned, you will notice that you hit more.

If none of these techniques work for you, do not worry. Discuss it with your doctor to help you recognize the muscles or rehabilitation recommended you (cover by the English Social Security).

When should do Kegel exercises?
Once you've identified the pelvic floor muscles, you can do Kegel exercises when and where you want, because nobody knows that you're doing!
If after performing the exercises you notes fatigued, with pain in the back or abdominal muscles, and nervous irritability is a sign that you are tightening your abs, back, thighs or buttocks. Try to relax and contract only the pelvic floor muscles.
If you suffer urinary incontinence, how long will it take to notice improvement with Kegel exercises?

If you make around 200 repetitions a day (four sets of 50), it takes 6 to 12 weeks to see improvement, according to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Iowa is a slow process, which must also be done by life, but they will reward you handsomely.

In a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, Swiss scientists found that women who started doing simple exercises, two months after delivery and for twelve weeks had significantly less urinary incontinence than women who never made . About 60% of women who carried out the exercises twice a week, under supervision, reported a dramatic improvement in their ability to control bladder muscles. In addition to the exercises, the women took part in a computer training program to help them be more aware and have better control of these muscles using electrical stimulation. A small electric shock to the pelvic muscles through the vagina helped them to improve the strength of these muscles.

These exercises should be supervised by physical therapists, and offers rehabilitation services in the English Social Security. In severe cases, as when a woman finds it impossible to recognize the muscles of the pelvic floor, electrical stimulation and the use of devices that facilitate its implementation are critical.

I'm very busy, how I can do 200 repetitions a day?
Since the exercises can be done anywhere and whenever you like, because nobody notices, it is easier to find room in your busy schedule. You can take advantage and make them during the broadcast of advertisements on television, or while you breastfeed your baby or give him a bottle. Try to relate it to everyday thing you do every day, like brushing your teeth or waiting for the light to turn green or get the bus to go to work. It would be nice for you to do at least 50 repetitions four times a day, every day.
If you have just given birth, it is very important that the perineal muscles are retrieved before any other exercise. Check with your doctor about when you're ready to start doing light exercise after birth.

How do Kegel exercises?
Here are several exercises you can try. Until you master the technique, it is preferable for you to lie comfortably on your back with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Keep your entire back on the floor, leaving no gap in the lower back. Try to imagine as you pull the muscles up. Do it slowly, concentrating until you drop. Hold, breathing quietly, very slowly let go and relax. Repeat 15 times.

Kegel exercises
1. The lentoAprieta muscles as you did when you tried to stop urinating, throwing up. Contract them and keep a count of 5 and breathing softly. Then relax them for 5 seconds, and repeat the series 10 times.
Try to gradually increase the time of contraction and relaxation. Start by 5 seconds in each case to reach 20. Get longer hold the contraction of muscles, the stronger they will.
2. RápidoAprieta and relaxes the muscles so quickly as you can until you get tired or within about 2 to 3 minutes (whichever comes first). Start with 10 reps four times a day to reach 50 repetitions daily.
3. The ascensorEste exercise requires some concentration, but the results are very good. Your vagina is a muscular tube with ring-shaped sections arranged one above another. Imagine that each section is a different floor of a building, and that goes up and down an elevator stressing each section. Start gently lift up to the first floor, aguántalo for a second, and rises to the second floor. Continues to rise as many plants as possible (usually no more than five). To download, hold A second on each floor. When you get down, try going to the basement, pushing down the pelvic muscles for a few seconds (as if you were in labor). Finally, try to relax the muscles completely for a few seconds. Above all, do not forget to breathe slowly and not do the exercise using abdominal muscles.
4. The ondaAlgunos pelvic floor muscles are arranged as an eight, but with three rings. A ring is placed around the urethra, another around the vagina, and the last around the anus. Contract these muscles from front to back and relax back and forth.
Do these exercises as many times as possible daily. The aim is to carry them out without being noticed. When you start to do them, can seem awkward and strange, but soon you'll see that you can take out without others noticing.
At first, to practice the slow, you may notice that the muscles do not want to stay contracted. You may also get tired quickly with the fast. But if you persevere, you will see that in a few days do not involve any effort.

Is there anything else I can do? Gymnastics hipopresiva
Dr. Caufriez is gaining more followers. The main idea is to work the abdominal girth and pelvic floor to reduce pressure intraabdominal. Due to the complexity of these exercises, we recommend going to a physical therapy center where they can teach you how to perform them personally.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Turn A Gas Fireplace Into A Automatic Starter

Initiatives to learn a little ... Aerobic-Online.com

Let's see if we stick to more locations and continue with initiatives like this as pestles, published by Chronicle Digital, Valencia ...

Catarroja Young people can participate in a new recreational sports day organized by the city council

On Saturday September 9th will be a day of leisure sports "category Aerobic Dance and Act under" 9 : 00 to 14:00 with departure at 09:00 h. against Mercadona (Camí Real), aimed at students from aerobics programs modalities "Ballet, Aerobics infant psychomotor and Modern Dance."

This will be a morning excursion to the beach of Saler, where they prepared a series of activities to enjoy the surroundings: aqua-aerobics, walking in the Dehesa, playing on the beach, thalassotherapy session, visit the Center for Information and Interpretation of the Albufera Natural Park, management of field notebook, DVD viewing environment and others.

This event is organized and sponsored by the Department of Sports City of Catarroja, and includes hat, commemorative gift, border and lunch for participants.

Registration: Limited to 45, in strict order of registration, Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 14:00 pm in the Sports Office.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Can I Use Kerastase On Keratene Treatment Hair

From ... Fitball

Coca-Cola launches a drink that burns calories

Coca-Cola will release in November a tea based beverage that, surprisingly, helps the metabolism to burn calories, an announcement that has caused excitement, but also some skepticism.

The new product is called Enviga and contains EGCC, an antioxidant green tea speeds up calorie consumption. Specifically, three cans of envy would burn between 60 and 100 calorías.La drink that Enviga will respond to name, has been developed with Nestlé, and could be opening a new market segment much more prosperous than the holding drinks or low-calorie diet.

In an attempt to eliminate all doubts about the effectiveness of Enviga, the company has presented the results of the studies conducted by the Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne (Switzerland), together ....... (Click to read more )....... with the University of Lille, which states that the drink really burn calories.

Specifically, the company claims that eating three cans of Envy (12 ounces each, about 300 milliliters) would make a normal individual, not overweight, burn between 60 and 100 calories. The drink, carbonated, caffeinated, incorporates a powerful antioxidant present in green tea, the EGCC (epigallocatechin gallate), which speeds up metabolism and therefore energy consumption. Enviga is available for sale in November in the U.S. northeast coast, and the rest of the country in January.

The launch of this drink has created excitement, but also some skepticism about its ability to help people lose weight overweight. Today, the daily "The Wall Street Journal says that Coca-Cola studies have focused on young people basically, no need to lose weight, while not made any study of overweight people.

also questions whether it is worth taking three cans of the drink, at a price of between 1.29 and $ 1.49 each, to burn between 60 and 100 calories, which is normally lost during a walk 15 minutes. Under this reasoning, pointing to the newspaper, cans should be taken to burn 2.6 calories a Oreo cookie, 7.3 cans to make the ingestion of a tail, or even 28 cans to eliminate the calories in a hamburger. As a nutritionist Chris Rosenbloom says the newspaper, "is so easy to eliminate 100 calories of diet a person not worth the effort and expense of the three cans.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Appeal Letter Template

from www.santiagoapostol.net

Article taken from this page . Not bad!


(physical education new materials)

García Rubiales, Victoria E. and Arias Carrasco, Mauro E. E.
Physics Teachers IES "Santiago Apostol"


current society, framed in the " leisure civilization "is becoming aware and stance toward traditional and conventional ways of understanding the practice of physical activity. Society demands the education system and the teachers a certain quality, variety in teaching us to reflect, inviting us to integrate new content and materials, discarding others obsolete, that is, it comes to proposing new alternatives to physical education. In recent years, the physical education area has been inundated by a series of contents that have been incorporated into the specific and traditional curriculum of the subject. This has been feasible, because the contents have had a very open, flexible, highly adaptable to new ideas for teachers. Joined

new content Physical Education, appear in many sporting goods market: rubber bands, Step (step of polyethylene), body bar (a metal bar covered with rubber), the Fit-ball (giant balls), parachutes, body bags ... mainly focused in the use of the gym, but very usable in physical education classes, this is the case of giant balls. Due to the novel and unusual use of these materials in schools, publications relating to the subject is fairly low. Ideally, based on practical experiences of teachers in physical activity outside suited to build the conceptual framework for the implementation of these contents at different levels of education.


Since the early sixties, when substituted in the construction of the rubber balls on vinyl, they began to use large balls in the recovery and rehabilitation of patients replacing the beach balls. The physiotherapist Mary Quinton in 1963 began to integrate the giant balloons in their treatment in patients with cerebral palsy children so that they can develop their reflexes and ability to maintain balance. Susan Klein-Vogelbach, Switzerland School of Physiotherapy, was the first to use the giant balloons adults with orthopedic developing specific treatment techniques and presented in World Congress 1970 in Amsterdam physiotherapy exercise their method with giant balls. Professor Maria Kucera Vogelbach comprehensive technique to publish his book 270 giant ball exercises in 1974 and translated into English in 1993. In

EEEU, giant balloons began denominating "Swiss-Ball", as several physiotherapists were used in the Swiss clinics, but quickly made by two instructors Joan Mohr and Pam Mullens disciples of Mary Quinton, who used in the pediatric and neurological systems. From the 80's the scope was extended from spinal stabilization method of the German Roswitha Brunkow the program with giant balls postpartum Elizabeth Noble, the most sophisticated of Dr. Ninoska Gómez to refine consciousness Somatic the first sports-related program prepared by Paul Callaway, for the Professional Golf Association, combining giant balls and rubber tubes.
In 1991, there was the great expansion of the giant balloons in all areas of physical activity as a versatile and fun:

In education, the Sit'n GYM, a media giant ball way of legs that allow it to sit on the ball actively with proper posture.

In sports, with the appearance in the market for giant ball called the FIT-BALL and funded by their creator (Mr. Cosani), develops a training program on the principles of physical therapy designed for graduates in Physical Education: FIT -BALL TRAINING. Was taken as a fundamental core fitness classes and integrated training in various sports, particularly in the slip, where balance is critical component as skaters, gymnasts, and basketball, baseball, golf, football ... For an hour or more the balls are carried out different exercises to train different qualities and physical fitness: strength, overall endurance, flexibility (stretching, stretching, joint movement), balance, coordination and overall dynamic relax-massage (sensory-perceptual).
In the alternative sports, adventure, freestyle or Slip, where the balance is vital for the development of activity and physical integrity of the practitioner.


In our department, the use of giant balls (90cm.-120 cm.) Began in 1992, targeting recreational and leisure; it was not until 1997, when after a fit-ball during training held in Madrid, we decided to try 55 cm balls. to 65cm. in our classes corporal expression, and sporadically in Physical Education. Once published the curriculum for Extremadura courses in high school, we set out to achieve the goals with new content and one of these innovations was to introduce the giant balls in the form of athletic training, FIT-BALL TRAINING, for courses of 1 High School, within the content block fitness and health, in order to get our students to discover, experience new ways to develop your basic physical condition, taking as the basis and motivating activities that fit into the curriculum of E. Physics, to diversify and enrich these activities with new supplementary material, promoting physical work other than traditional methods, and renewing those who still have a good educational value, are by their monotony does not capture the motivation of our teenagers.

Here is an example of how we work with giant balls in our Institute, in the form of sheet, aimed at students of 1 high school, included within the development content of the basic physical qualities "and made by our students in the first quarter of course.

Brozas, MP: Camacho, L and others (2002). Auxiliary resources in training Artistic Gymnastics: giant balls. Performance Sports. Com, n º 1.

Dalter: Fit-Ball Training. Madrid 1996.

Reebok Gym Ball Training Instructions & Exercise chart.

Presents Fit-Ball training, Gymnic line the way to move. Italy 1996.

Kim Forteza. Fitball. The ball to improve your body. Sport Life Magazine No 47.

Glez Diaz, I. "The giant balloons in Primary Education." UEX postgraduate course. 1999

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Can U Use Aunt Jemima To Make Biscuits

More about protocolol against extreme bleeding, pressure dressing and tourniquet.

Remember that all this information and more is present in www.socorrismo.com

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Thrush And Gallbladder

Article to come over the weekend, rogues

What is your vision of your work in the gym?

From the book "The other intelligence" Adele B. Lynn (Editorial Empresa Activa), we will explore, through a few simple questions, the real situation, both in person, on any partner, our professional position with respect to our peers.

To do so, answered truthfully, 6 little questions:

1 - Do I really competent at my job?
a) Yes, too well prepared.
b) I must improve although I have an acceptable basis.
c) I have a qualitative level enough to work.

2 - Do I have easy to follow guidelines set by management?
a) at all, I understand nothing
b) Sometimes
c) Understanding your position and responsibility, I try to listen.

3 - Can I have easy to maintain my career development?
a) Not much or little, as all
b) Of course, I know my future and I apply myself.
c) Not at all, do not know where to evolve, I feel stuck.

4 - Do you feel supported by your colleagues?
a) Clearly, we are a team with a joint objective.
b) Never, just want to sink.
c) It is an idyllic setting, but not harm us.

5 - Do you help others?
a) No, nor the need.
b) Sometimes, not all I wanted, but sometimes.
c) definitely yes, both of them to me as I them

. 6 - Do you think anyone wants to see you fail?
a) Yes, we are surrounded by envy.
b)? All around me like my success.
c) Some will, but it does not matter.

How to use the test? Divide the questions from 1 to 3 on the X axis and 4 to 6 on the Y axis, each answer is marked with a "+" will move your position to right on X and Y up, every answer has a "-" go left or down and branded with "0", obviously, we do not move ...

ANSWERS Question 1 + 0 -
Question 2 - 0 + 0 +
Question 3 - Question
4 + - 0
Question 5 - 0 +
Question 6 - + 0

Now you present figure, about which you will place yourself under the axles.

Have you found your "personality" professional? Let's review them one by one the 4 types located in the same:

the complacent: Value the work and fellowship of others, trying to be good companion but either do not have any knowledge of your work, or you strengthen your self-esteem because you think you are not valuable enough. You tend to delegate your tasks to other, so each time you will have less power. You must avoid certain fears.

The Hidden: The most negative value of the four, you do not believe able to work and you will always be your teammates to try rematarte, life is really tough for you, you feel completely in the role of victim. That ... Or your gym needs a change of staff urgently!

THE ARROGANT: The results will just be placed in the position of "smartass." Feeling superior to your colleagues, with good working basis, but surrounded by envy, so you tend to defensive attitudes to people in your gym ... maybe you should change your colleagues ... or really think about what you're doing.

COLLABORATOR: You run your best, you and your colleagues also have some facility to collaborate with others in the center. Offer ideas and face the work in a way that you implying your willingness to work and collaboration.

If your results really have not yielded the most desirable (positive X and Y axes) just remember that we live in an area of \u200b\u200bconstant evolution and that, even knowing many other factors, the most important is our work and sacrifice and, above all, that the basis of the work environment is based on a good relationship with your peers, and if you do, subordinates who are really the foundation of the company. Surround yourself with good friends who are sincere and values \u200b\u200btheir opinion: According to Jorge Bucay, an idiot is a person who always needs the approval of others for their work ... our industry is inevitably a world of fools??


"The other intelligence. Adele Lynn (Editorial Company Activa).
"Let me tell you. Jorge Bucay (RBA Publishing).
"The sense of fluency. Juan Carlos Cubero (published by Prentice Hall)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Straight Shotacon Comic

flexed correctly in indoor cycling class?? Ginesport.com

flexed correctly in indoor cycling class?
By: Dani Montero

this article, I present it as a personal reflection.

flexed correctly in our indoor cycling classes?

Before reflecting on the subject, I would like to make a brief paragraph in anatomy and biomechanics of cycling.

During pedaling indoor cycling class, we perform flexion and extension of hip, knee and ankle on an ongoing basis, as well as isometric contractions involuntary should be very mild or no, but we can not ignore.

A) Muscle that acts

concentric and eccentric hip extensor musculature Main: Mayor
Hamstrings Gluteus

hip extensor musculature secondary:
1. Cuadrado crural
2. Gluteus medius (posterior fibers)

hip flexor musculature Main: iliopsoas
- Psoas
- iliac
rectus femoris
Tensor fascia lata

hip flexor musculature secondary:
1. Sartorio
2. Gluteus minimus
3. Gluteus medius (anterior fibers)
shutters 5.
main extensor of the knee musculature:
Quadriceps Muscle

secondary hip extensor:
1. Gluteal deltoid - Tensor fascia lata

surface fibers of the gluteus maximus.
main flexor musculature of the knee:
1. Isquitibiales: - Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps long

knee flexor musculature secondary:
1. Sartorio
2. Gracilis
3. Short biceps
4. Popliteal
5. Twin

main extensor musculature Foot: Triceps
Sural - Twins
- Soleus Muscle

secondary extensor of the foot:
1. Peroneal
2. Posterior tibial
3. Finger flexors.

main flexor musculature of the foot:
1. Anterior tibial

flexor musculature of the foot secondary
1. Anterior peroneal
2. Finger extensors.
main extensor musculature of the skull and neck:
1 Trapeze
2. Sterno-mastoid
cleido-3. Splenius
4. Suboccipital - Straight
posterior major and minor - major and minor
Oblique 5. Levator scapulae

B) musculature acts isometrically:

flexors and extensors of the arm and hand:
1. Biceps brachii
2. Coracobrachialis
3. Brachialis
4. Brachioradialis
5. Triceps brachii
6. Radial muscles
7. Ulnaris
8. Flexor digitorum profundus common
9. Common flexor surface of fingers

Other ...

girdle musculature:
1. Pectoral
2. Serrato
3. Deltoid
4. Trapeze
5. Grand Ridge
6. Subscapular

Other ...
C) respiratory and cardiac musculature:

Due to high oxygen demands of muscles, perform a greater number of breaths per minute and the intensity of them is much greater than in a resting state.
This, aided by the constant isometric (if you get to achieve throughout the session) of the abdominal muscles, carries a greater effort of the chest muscles.

1. Abdominal box (diaphragm, rectus abdominis, abdominal obliques, transverse and muscular pelvic diaphragm).

We also refer to the fatigue to which we subject our heart muscle.

2. The heart

As we can see, involve a large number muscle in one session of indoor cycling, the feasibility to stretch them is zero, by the limited time available, so we make a small selection of them. †

has done a good foretaste would - What muscles stretch?
One possible solution to it would be: First pray
preferably stretch those large muscle groups involved in the specific work of pedaling. (Eg quadriceps)
Second, more specific stretch those muscles that directly influence pedaling. (Example calf)
Third, stretch those muscles that steadily but not cycling specific, constantly involved in the session. (Example scapular deltoid)
Fourth, phasic stretch those muscles. (Eg latissimus dorsi)

† Once the muscles have to stretch clear, we should ask: In what order the stretch?
The answer to that question is very ambiguous, because each instructor has a different methodology, but if you need to have a clear minimum performance standards.
try to expose some of these patterns to achieve greater effectiveness in our stretching.

- should do the exercises from basic positions, easy, not commit the person.
- Avoid postures contraindicated or detrimental to the practitioner.
- Choose the type of stretching to do.
- Transitions between muscles to stretch, have to be fluid.
- Taking a logical order as possible at the time of stretching different muscles, for instance head to toe. It would be impractical to switch muscles of legs, arms, back, legs, back ....
- Eliminate ballistic movements.
- Avoid hyperextension and joint locks.
- Inspire before starting the movement and exhale when the muscle elongation.
- Avoid apneas in muscle elongation phase.
- Do not bother the person around us.

If we clear these points when making our stretching, their success will be very close.

Other aspects to consider:

Not only are we able to control all of the above, it is not easy, but we should also be able to control those aspects that influence the development of this part of the session.

- Type of music
Music Volume - Tone of voice used
- Force
lighting -
stretch intensity - time to devote to each muscle type music

The music chosen for this part of the session, is very personal, but it must be relaxing.

Music Volume
The ideal size would be slightly lower than the session, this would denote a seasonal change of the same, also imply greater concentration, prevents the spread of the group (with loud music voices blend in among the sound) and gives a sense of tranquility.

voice tone
Assuming that in the session, all of it should be given information as brief and concise as possible, we must apply:

A) on important issues to emphasize, such as Technical indication action i contraindicated or dangerous to the physical integrity of the practitioner, using a DIM NO tone, firmness and it will transmit a sense of security and knowledge.

B) on aspects of more relative importance, such as a positive transitional phrase between muscle and muscle to stretch, use a calm tone of voice faint but audible to all practitioners of the room, feeling calm and transmit it welfare.

Force lighting intensity lighting is also important in the indoor cycling class.
A softer light conveys a more relaxed, as is the case in the massage rooms.
By contrast, being less enlightened practitioners, we must be more attentive to possible mistakes made by our students. White light passes
purity and peace, in contrast to other colors.

stretch intensity
According Elena Martínez Gómez, Physiotherapist, who has completed his studies at the Universidad Europea de Madrid.
There are several types of stretching depending on if you have muscle contraction (active) or not (passive). We will use only for self-stretching passive stretching. Basically passive stretch follows the following scheme:
· Stretch the muscle until we find a barrier driving. The gate drive is a feeling of tightness or tension that occurs when the muscle, for whatever reason, you can not stretch. Brake is a feeling no pain.
· When you reach the barrier we stop driving, holding the position for 6-10 seconds that will decrease the tension and take the opportunity to move to another drive barrier. This sequence can be repeated 2-3 times.
• The stretching is carried out gradually and lens. This type of stretching
leaves the muscle relaxed, so are recommended for after an activity.
is very important to stretch with a low force, without using too much pressure. Do not hit the muscle
hoping they recover faster. These blows defense trigger reflex reactions that automatically cause an unwanted increase in muscle tone.
time to devote to each muscle
"Time to spend is another aspect to consider, since classes have a fixed and as good professionals we must meet those schedules.

-final position Maintaining muscle to stretch, should be extended from 6 to 10 seconds, do not fall into the trap of submitting to the music (a recommendation is to use a medium to full musical block, depending on the speed the beat of it)

"We must not stretch the muscles worked immediately after. This makes him a contract.
Ideally, you spend a short time between the end of stretching intensity loads (for which we can use the cool down)

According to Gatorade Sports Science Center and the authors: E. Yvonne

Satterwhite, MD, CSCSOrthopaedic SurgeonPremier Orthopaedic Surgery, Chief LLCMedico team, Atlanta Beat Soccer Team Women'sProfessional Atlanta, Georgia

"After a slight cooling program should be followed up with a stretching program"

Marc Hill, MA, CSCS , SCCCEntrenador head strength and conditioning University of KentuckyLexington, Kentucky

"Immediately after training athletes recommend exercises static or dynamic flexibility to begin the healing and recovery process."

(http://www.gssiweb- sp.com/reflib/refs/224/sse49final.cfm? pid = 38 & CFID = 3619960 & CFTOKEN = 37562192)


1. Imply a large number of muscles in one session of indoor cycling, the feasibility to stretch them is zero, the short time at our disposal, so we make a small selection of them.

2. Ask: - What muscles stretch?
- In what order the stretch?

3. Several aspects to consider:

- Type of music
Music Volume - Tone of voice used
- Force
lighting -
stretch intensity - time to devote to each muscle

Daniel Montero Martínez
Superior Technical Animation Physical Activity and Sport (TAFAD).
chiropractor treatment. Personal indoor.Entrenador Cycle Technical

Saturday, June 17, 2006

How To Make Green Metals

And a few months ago I should have talked about the creation of the web itself Ginés Foixench colleague, teacher of Huesca and one FEDA coleguillas the best I have in the guild. And participant in several days and aerobithones fitness, Aerobics Day was part of Zamora, next to Jessica Expósito and 100% FEDA convention in Benidorm 2,005.

If you want to view the site in www.ginesport.com clicka . The website, quite nice, incidentally, includes proposals, book of photos, and even two videos of two Ginés choreography.